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03/2004 HJP



As a precondition the Queue set up has to be configured in the system settings, category Settings under the item Queue/ CRM.

The setting for Refresh-Rate of Queue needs to be done in the same path under the item Queue settings.

Queue definition and Handling

The Queue definition has to be done in the tool strip under the item "Configuration" in the folder "Basic data/Codes and under the point Queue Handling.

Under the menu-item Queue Handling the user finds further items to define Queues

  • Types
  • Queues
  • Events
  • Categories
  • Sharing-Forwarding of Messages

Using these items you can:

    • define Queue types which can be assigned to a Queue
    • assign employees to a Queue
    • define events on which a message is send to the according Queue

Steps to define a Queue:

Definition of a Queue type

This must be the first step. As mentioned in chapter 2.2 the user can define Queue-Types in the "Queue Handling" under the item "Types".

  • Name: used for later assignments in the Menu-Item Queues
  • Generation: the relationship to the performed action

(E.g. action on service, action on booking)

  • Funktion (function): parameter for the assignment of the used Queue

There are several possible functions to set up a Queue

  • Public Queues for example
    • Queue from catalogue: in case status is changed for this service the Queue is executed which is assigned to a catalogue.
  • No function
    • Is defined, when there is no possibility, to split up the Queue under determined criteria like for example destination or catalogue etc.
  • Personal Queues
    • To pass tasks to employees
  • Interactive Queue, (Cets related)
    • To send or receive booking related messages bidirectional between daVinci and Cets, Touronline
  • System Queue (Cets related)
    • To inform external systems about in house modifications on bookings for example Cets, Touronline. (User can't intervene during Queue process)
  • Schedules
    • Is defined for the CRM Queue Functionality, e.g. to answer complaint letters or export clients-addresses per file etc.

Each Queue-Type should only be defined once, except queue Types with function "No function" and "System Queue".

Definition of a "Queue"

This must be the second step to assign a queue the "Queue Type" defined in step 1.
User can define a Queue in the "Queue Handling" under the item "Queue".

Explanation of columns from left to right:

  • Name: Name will appear later as envelope in menu Bookings item "Queue"
  • Type: Types which have been added in step 1 have to be selected here
  • Remark: free Remark


To generate a new Queue user has to use Tabulator button to access a new line before activating the "ok" button.

Button Employee:

  • mark a complete line and click on Employee to assign the Queue to the Employee This mandatory, otherwise envelopes with the Queue-Names will not appear in the menu Bookings item "Queue"

Pop up "Queue Properties" will be opened.
Via check box user assign sales office to the defined queue.

There are two ways to access the queue, via tool bar menu Bookings item "Queue" directly by click on the icon post box which is the symbol for queue.

The letter item "Manta 2006/2007" our example Queue appears.

Definition of Queue Events

Definition will be in the tool strip item "Configuration", folder "Basic data/Codes under the point Queue Handling and the item "Events".

  • Name:

Name of the Event, will appear in column Event in Queue-Handling

  • Queue:

Only in case of NON system Queue. (For example: Queues defined as "no function")
Select a Queue which has been defined in menu "Queue_"_. If a Queue has been selected, it's not possible to select a Type. The Event will directly be assigned to a Queue.

  • Type:

Only in case of a System Queue. (For example: Requests)
Select a "Queue Type" which has been defined in menu "Types" previously. If a Type has been selected, it's not possible to select a Queue. The Type has already been assigned to a Queue in the column Function of Type in the menu before.
If the Function "Queue from destination" (chapter 3.2) has been assigned in menu "Types", the Queue from Destination of Basic Data > Statistic codes > Destinations is checked in case the status of a RQ-Booking changes

  • BK owner :booking owner will be informed additionally to assigned employees
  • Event: Select the event which should causes a Message
  • Origin: to define the origin of the message

Queue Functions

Queue from catalogue:

The Queue parameter in the catalogue management controls the catalogue containing the booking code*:*
To open the Catalogue Management use the corresponding tool bar Icon and double click on the selected catalogue.

Tool bar Icon to open for the catalogue management

Via drop down User is the above defined Queue to a catalogue. (Always under the precondition that the corresponding Type of Queue and Queue have been defined)

Queue from destination

In the system settings, category basic data, user can find the folder Statistic Codes with the under item "destination". (In case there is NO Queue-Type defined, all messages will be sent into one Queue!

Via double click on the selected destination user can open the destination information.

Queue can be selected and assigned via drop down box.
User can assign a destination via drop down menu in the selected booking code on the tab "Options 2" item Statistic Code category "Destination".
This assignment is only possible if Queues have been defined completely.

Queue from the Type of Travel

In the system settings, category basic data, user can find the folder Statistic Codes with
the under item "Type of Travel". (In case there is NO Queue-Type defined, all messages will be sent into one Queue!)

User can assign the type of travel via drop down menu in the selected booking code on the tab "Options 2" item Statistic Code category "Type of travel".

Queue from Transportation:

In the system settings, category basic data, user can find the folder Statistic Codes with
the under item "Transportation". (In case there is NO Queue-Type is defined, all messages will be sent into one Queue!)

User can assign the Transportation via drop down menu in the selected booking code on the tab "Options 2" item Statistic Code category "Transportation". (see chapter 3.2+3.3)

Queue from Client address

In the Client Profile Tab "Addition" the client queue can be assigned. (In case there is NO Queue-Type defined, all messages will be sent into one Queue!)

This configuration is similar to the functions:

Queue from Agency

Queue from Supplier

Queue from Sales Office:

In the system settings, category basic data, user can find the folder Employee
the under item "Sales Office".
Via double click over marked line the selected sales office will be opened, to setup a new sales office use right mouse click and edit it under item new.

In the first Tab "sales Office" the defined queue can be assigned. (In case there is NO Queue-Type defined, all messages will be sent into one Queue!)

Each Queue-Type can only be defined once except queue Types with function "No function".

Complete Examples:

Cancellation Queue

Preconditions: Queue Type= Queue from the catalogue

Queue must be arranged (chosen name "cancellation") and previous queue type "cancellation" must be assigned. Connect queue to sales office, via button Employee.
Queue Event: must be defined to Queue "Cancellation" with Queue Type "Cancellation"

  • The Event: should be "Change from status?? to XX"
  • Booking Source = Any source
  • Sequence source= Any source

Than the defined "Cancellation Queue" is assigned to a catalogue.

The displayed "Cancellation Queue" is empty.

When a Cancellation is made in Genesis

Cancellation Queue will be filled with the according booking.

"No function" Queue

New Type added

Connection Queue  Type
Mark the line of the Queue and connect the Employee to the corresponding sales office.

Connection Queue  Event

New Queue "Fully Paid" is now appearing in menu Bookings > Queue

Full Payment is done.

New Queue – Entry is generated

Possible Actions in the Queue menu:

Several actions can be executed performing a "right-click" on the Queue-Entry

  • Forward: Forward message to another employee
  • Open adress: Opens client-address
  • Open in Genesis: opens the corresponding booking in Genesis
  • Request Handling: opens the corresponding booking in the RQ-Handling
  • Booking File: opens the corresponding booking in the Booking File
  • New Schedule: possibility to pass tasks to employees or other Queues

Task will appear in folder "My Schedules" of the according employee

SER-MESSAGES in interactive queues

Display of SER-MESSAGES in Genesis

When the User displays a CETS-Booking in Genesis, an Icon appears as an envelop to inform that one or various SER-Message are existing for the booking:

To open the dialogue of the existing SER- Messages the User can click on it.
The user can also display the list of SER-Messages belonging to the booking via the MENUE:

Explanation of columns from left to right

  • Date = Date when the SER-Message was received or sent
  • Source
    • Incoming = received from CETS
    • Outgoing = sent from DaVinci
  • State = Informs about the fact if a SER-message prepared within DaVinci has already been sent to CETS or still remains inside of the DaVinci system
  • Message = Content of the SER-MESSAGE

Definition queue-type "interactive queues"

As mentioned in chapter 2.2 the user can define Queue-Types in the "Queue Handling" under the item "Types".

Definition of Queue for SER-MESSAGES

User can define a Queue in the "Queue Handling" under the item "Queue".

Button Employee:

  • mark a complete line and click on Employee to assign the Queue to the Employee This mandatory, otherwise envelopes with the Queue-Names will not appear in the menu Bookings item "Queue"

There are two ways to access the queue, via tool bar menu Bookings item "Queue" directly by click on the icon post box which is the symbol for queue.

The letter item "Interactiv" our example Queue "CETS SER" appears.

Definition of events for SER-MESSAGE-QUEUE

Definition will be in the tool strip item "Configuration", folder "Basic data/Codes under the point Queue Handling and the item "Events
User can create 2 EVENTS for the SER-MESSAGE-QUEUE

  1. Received SER Message from CETS
  2. Sent SER Message to CETS-Agent

Both Events are necessary to use the full functionality of the interactive queues, receiving messages, creating answers and enabling the answers to send them to an external system.
For further explanations of the Pop Up "Queue events" see chapter 2.3.3.

Incoming SER Messages

The incoming SER-Messages created in CETS will appear in Folder "Interactive" "CETS SER"

Columns which can be configured, explained from left to right:

  • Booking = means the Booking number containing the Message
  • Booking Owner = initial person who has created the booking
  • Employee = person who has produced the last sequence
  • Destination = which is assigned to the booking
  • Process date = Date when the SER-Message was automatically processed

(For outgoing Messages only)

  • Create date = the Message Text Date of when the Ser Message has been created
  • Process retries = the Number of retries to process the outgoing SER-Message to CETS
  • Status
    • Incoming message = Message created in CETS
    • Blocked = Message has been created in DaVinci and is blocked to be transferred to CETS
    • Ready to process = the Message has been created in DaVinci, but is unblocked for the transfer to CETS
    • Processed = Message has been created in Davinci and processed to CETS
    • Error = Error has been received from CETS during transfer, Error code is displayed in the column "Error-Code

In case the Message text is not displayed completely, it can be displayed in the tool tip by moving the Mouse over the queue-entry.

Answer to an incoming SER-MESSAGES

With right mouse click on the message that should be answered, the User can select
"Initiate SER-Message" to answer the message.

Following Dialog will open, displaying the booking number of the reservation for which the SER message has been send.

First details of the booking selected are displayed
Display of the last incoming message on the booking the user wants to respond to.
Entry-field to write the response message:
The Field only allows storing 6 Lines of Text (CETS doesn't allow more lines).
The number of character per line is restricted to 65 characters (CETS doesn't allow more characters per line)
When the flag in the check box "Send to CRS" is activated initializes that the data entered in the message-field will be transferred by the Background Service (Cmir-Service) to CETS.
To change of Booking-Number the user simply enter another number in the Field "Booking" and has to press the TAB-Key or search for another booking via button "Search
The Address/Booking Search will be opened subsequent.

Initializing SER-MESSAGES from interactive queues

Therefore the User has to do a right mouse into the white space in the interactive-queues-frame and than select "Initiate SER-Message".
Dialog opens; select a booking the SER-Message should be sent for (can be done by just typing the number of the booking into the field "Booking" or by searching pressing button "search"): See chapter 6.5

Confirm with the button "ok" and the message will appear in the interactive Queue.


SER-Messages can be blocked for processing to CETS.
To unblock them the user has to select the item "Send to CRS" from the context-menu.
The context menu will be opened with right mouse click on marked Queue entry

The SER-Message appears now with the Icon: "Ready for Process"

Cmir-Service : Sending SER-Messages to CETS

Set-up of Cmir-Service

For all details about the set-up of the Cmir-Service please see "AcceptanceProtocol_4_CMIR_Service", Chapter 1)

Initialization of automatic processing of Cmir-Files for SER-Messages

User sets a SER-Message on "SEND TO CETS" (See chapter 6.7)
The message appears in the interactive queue with status "ready to process"

The SER-message to be transferred to CETS is recognized by the Cmir-Service. After successful transfer the entry is marked as"processed":

A new entry appears on the Action list of CETS:

Set up for System Queues

Creation of "system"- queue-types

As mentioned in chapter 2.2 the user can define Queue-Types in the "Queue Handling" under the item "Types"

With the selection "System Queue" in the column "Function" two different types of system-queues can be created.

  • Booking (user defined Name) to assign a System queue-type that detects events on Booking-Level (selection "Booking" in the column Generation)
  • Service (user defined Name) to assign a System queue-type that detects events on Service-Level (selection "Service" in the column Generation)

Definition of a "system"- Queue (CETS-related)

User can define a Queue in the "Queue Handling" under the item "Queue".

Explanation of columns from left to right:

  • Name: User defined Name for the queue to be defined it will appear later as envelope in menu Bookings item "Queue"
  • Type: Types which have been added in step 1 have to be selected here
  • Remark: free Remark to describe the queue and the function of the Queue

Button Employee:

  • mark a complete line and click on Employee to assign the Queue to the Employee This mandatory, otherwise envelopes with the Queue-Names will not appear in the menu Bookings item "Queue"

Pop up "Queue Properties" will be opened.
Via check box user assign sales office to the defined queue.

Setting the flag in front of the employee-name the user is enabled for accessing the corresponding queue:

Definition of a queue-event (CETS related)

Definition will be in the tool strip item "Configuration", folder "Basic data/Codes under the point Queue Handling and the item "Events".

  • Name

Free name to describe the queue-event, which appears in column Event in Queue-Handling

  • Queue

Selection of the corresponding System queue, which was been defined in menu "Queue_"_. If a Queue has been selected, it's not possible to select a Type. The Event will directly be assigned to a Queue.

  • Type

Is Disabled for System queues

  • BK owner

Is Disabled for System queues

  • Event
  • Select an event from the following for entries to CETS-related system-queues which should causes a Message
    • Created Booking for Cets-Agent
    • Changed Booking for Cets-Agent
    • Cancellation Booking for Cets- Agent
    • Change of Amount/Price in Booking for Cets Agent
    • Change RQ to RF for Cets-Agent
    • Change RQ to XX for Cets-Agent
  • BK
  • Means the booking source

Detection of CETS-related events for system queues

Created booking for CETS-Agent (in Genesis)

First the Queue event setting should be Created Booking for Cets-Agent.
See chapter 8.3.
In the Address List/Booking Search, see menu item Addresses to open select "search".
The user can select the Agency/ Agent/Client for which the Queue should be expired.

Via double click the address will be opened.
In the Address Tab "CRS-Datas" the User can enter the "Agency nr" and "State" for CETS.

Booking is made in Genesis on behalf of this agency (that usually books via CETS):

According to the configuration the queue-entry is made to the corresponding System Queue:

Created booking for CETS-Agent, BLOCKED (in Genesis)

In the Address List/Booking Search, see menu item Addresses to open select "search".
In the Address Tab "CRS-Datas" the User can enter the "Agency nr" and "State" for CETS.
In this case user has to assign status "locked" for our Agent 1001.

Booking is created in Genesis for this Agency

But no new entry will be created in the System Queue.

Created booking for CETS-Agent (in DaVinci)

As in chapter 8.4.1 explained in the Address Tab "CRS-Datas" the User can enter the "Agency nr" and "State" for CETS.
State should be "free"

Also the Queue-Event must exist to detect bookings created for CETS-Agents.
Important is that the Booking Source has to be "DaVinci".

Entry in corresponding system

Changed booking for CETS-Agent (in Genesis)

Type and Queue has to be configured and also the Queue-Event Rebook CET must exist to detect rebooking created for CETS-Agents.

The letter item "Rebooking CETS" our example Queue appears.


Queues from Contact Relationship Management (CRM) are not booking-related.
All CRM-Queues are related to Queue-Types with the function "Schedules"

  • Required menu-items

    • System settings > Basic Data > CRM Origins
    • System settings > Basic Data > Documents (outgoing contact)
    • System settings > Basic Data > Employees > Employees>Tab Queue
    • Configurations > Basic Data/Codes > Queue Handling > Types & Queues
    • System settings > Settings > Queue/CRM

Define CRM Origins

See "System Settings" in folder "Basic Data" CRM Origins. With right mouse click select item "new" to create a new Origin of the Client Contact. (e.g. the client got to know the company)

Define the Type of needed Document

See "System Settings" folder "Basic data" item Documents. With right mouse click select item "New" to create a new Document.
The Documents are separated in different categories, to select in drop down menu "Type"

  • Print-In: Shipment from internal
  • Print-Ex: Shipment via Address-Export or Mail House
  • Object-In: mostly used by clients for non-document-items
  • Object-Ex: mostly used by clients for non-document-items
  • Letter: stored covering letter
  • File: exports into a File
  • Mail: Exports to E-Mail

An Address-Export for a brochure is displayed

In case of an export, a new folder called "Export" will be created on the BIN-Folder level. This folder contains a Text-File including the client-addresses for which the export was made.
The old export-files will be renamed and a new file will be generated.
A Standard-Answer to deal with a complaint as Letter

Assign Queue to Employee in Basic Data

  • See "System Settings" in folder "Basic Data" under the item "Employee" "Employee", to open with double click on marked line.

On Tab "Queues" the Queue can be assigned to the Employee, it can also be assigned later in the Queue-Definition.

  • Define Queue-Type for the CRM

See menu "Conditions" under "Basic Data" folder "Queue Handling" item "Types"

The "Queue Type" for a service for the Standard-Answer to deal with a complaint as Letter is defined as Schedule Function.

Assign Queue to Employee in the Queue Handling

See menu "Conditions" under "Basic Data" folder "Queue Handling" item "Queue".

The name which will be added of the CRM Queue will appear as new item (envelop) in the menu Bookings item "Queue", if and only if it has been assigned to the Employee.
Mark a complete line and click on Employee to assign the Queue to the Employee
Types which have been defined in "Queue Type" can be selected in Dropdown Box "Type".
If the assignment to an employee wasn't already made in the "System Settings see 6.4, it can be assigned in the "Queue Properties" dialog which will be opened when using the "Employee"-Button.

Setup Queue/CRM

See "System Settings" folder "Settings" item "Queue/CRM" under "CRM Settings"
Select previously defined Queues via Dropdown Menu in Category "Data".

Select Form

See "System Settings" folder "settings" item "Queue/CRM", "CRM Settings" under "Form".
With right mouse click select item "New" to create a new Form.
Or Double click on marked line to open an existing one.
With Form the User can select how the Complaint was sent by the client.

Select Contact-Media

See "System Settings" folder "settings" item "Queue/CRM", "CRM Settings" under "Media".
With right mouse click select item "New" to create a new Media.
Or Double click on marked line to open an existing one.
Media reflects possible ways of how the client contacted the company

Usage of CRM with the client

  • CRM History can be opened directly in the tool strip under the item "Adresses" under the point CRM History.

  • Or selecting a client under the Point Search and using the "Action" Button same item

"CRM History" will appear.

  • Or open the client profile by double click on the marked line and use the Button "History"

In all three possible ways the following dialog will open.

Contacts with action 1
Due to the fact that the history is empty, no action has taken place for this client.

Adding a new Contact

To add a new contact which requires an action from an employee, select "Contacts with actions", as above specified and click on Button new.
The following dialog will open


  • Medium: Medium of Client-Contact
  • Origin: Origin of the contact
  • Form: in which from the client for example has send an complaint

(In this example it has been a telephone-contact; therefore no form has been selected)

  • Sales Office: which Sales Office has received the contact
  • Partner: In case the request was not made by the client but by a stored Family-Member (See Tab "Family/Passport", inside the Address)
  • Attached document: in case of a Document has been attached
  • Remark: free info

Actions that could be taken by the employee

  • Action: Action to be performed by the employee
  • Output: Kind of Output (according to the action)
  • Document: Which document is needed (in case document is selected, "Action" & "Output" is filled automatically according to the setting in menu System Settings" folder "Basic data" item Documents
  • Start: when should the action be performed
  • Queue: shows the Queue according to the settings made in the tool strip under the item "Configuration" in the folder "Basic data/Codes" under the point Queue Handling/Queue". (is filled automatically)
  • Provider: shows the provider in case it was defined in menu System Settings" folder "Basic data" item Documents

After the contact and the needed action have been added, click on Button "Add".
Action will now be added to the Contact - List.

Action is also shown in the clients CRM-History.

Additionally the open Action is sent to the according Queue.

Export can now be started by performing right mouse click on the Queue-Entry and selecting "Start new export"

Export has been implemented

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