User Rights...

04/2004 HJP


In DaVinci you are able to set up special access-rights for users of the application.
This setup can be done on different User - levels

  • single User-Rights
    • grant / revoke access to certain parts of DaVinci for single users

  • Group Rights
    • grant / revoke access to certain parts of DaVinci for special user groups which can be set up inside DaVinci e.g. Accounting – Department, Setup - Department

In the next step the rights themselves can be set up on different levels

  • menue – items
  • Genesis menues
  • Genesis actions
  • actions from context - menue

The rights – management should ensure to only grant access to application – parts which are really needed by certain users or user – groups.

The assignment of the user - / group – rights can only be done by a "Super-User" in DaVinci

Adding new employee

Using Menue Basic Data > Employee a list – menue appears showing you the already existing employees.

By clicking New – Button empty dialogue will appear in which the data of new employee needs to be added

Option "Administrator"
 if this flag is activated you will find two new functions when using Action - Button in menue Adress/Bookingsearch.

New menue – items are:

  • Post Purchase Prices
  • Post Sales Prices

User with the activated option "Administrator" is able to post Purchse - / Sales – Prices without printing an invoice.
When finished by using OK – Button, the new added employee will appear in the employee – list.

Each new added employee as default has all access rights.

Adding password for new employees

After new employee was added you need to assign a Login – Passwort.

  1. Start DaVinci and login as the new added employee.
  2. Open menue File > User Rights > Password

  1. Add old password (in case of new employee left blank), new password and repeat new password
  2. Click on OK – Button
  3. Info – Message will appear

Now Login is not possible anymore without using the correct password

Single User – Rights (Menue Items)

To set up certain user rights in DaVinci you should login as the employee who should be the "Super – User" for DaVinci.
Now set up the certain rights for each other user.
If you do so, this user becomes automatically a "Super – User" as you are taking out the rights only for other users.

(Taking out access – rights to Services for Accounting – Users)
New user "Administrator" created and used for Login.

  1. Open menue File > User Rights > Rights

  1. Open Menue Items > Main Menue > Travel > Services

By adding a flag infront of the according Users, the access to this menue will be denied.

  1. Login as one of the users for which the access to the Services was denied

Menue Item Services is not activated for this employee and can not be used

Single User – Rights (Context – Menue)

For not necessarily having to revoke the complete access to a menue item you also have the possibility to revoke access to certain actions.
This means the access is revoked on a deeper level.

In former example the access to menue item Travel > Services was totally revoked.
The according employee isn't even allowed to have a look at it.
For some reasons it could be necessary to grant access to certain menue items for special employees BUT to deny performing certain actions inside of this menue item.

Revoke access to actions "Create new Group" & "Create New Booking Code" BUT access to menue Travel > Services is granted.

  1. Open menue File > User Rights > Rights

  1. Open Menue Items > Services View

Rights for "Create New Group" & "Create New Booking Code" revoked for accounting users

  1. Login as user Accounting1 (ACC)

Services are now available again for this users
The actions "Create New Group" & "Create New Booking Code" are not accessible for the users.

The rights on "View" – level are connected to a certain function inside DaVinci.
That means that if you revoke access to a certain action, this will revoke the access to other related things in the complete system.

Groups can be created on several levels

  • catalogue
  • groups

Once the the access is revoked for a certain user, it's completely revoked

  • Context – menue of catalogue:

  • Context – menue of Group

 Group – functions which are related to the services are not accessible for the user (Group – functions for allotments / prices are still accessible)
You can also see it directly in menue File > User Rights > Rights

Access was revoked here
Automatically this setting is activated to all other related items.

Creating User - Groups

Instead of defining rights for every single user, it's also possible to create User – Groups inside DaVinci.
Working with groups is much more comfortable as you can simply assign rights to a complete group of users.
To create a Group:

  1. Open menue File > User Rights > User Groups

  1. Click on New

Add Group Name & Description. Assign employees to Group

  1. After clicking on OK the new Group will appear in the list

Assignment of Rights to User – Groups

Revoke Access to Genesis Booking Mask for User – Group "Accounting"

  1. Open menue File > User Rights > Rights

  1. Open Menue Items > Main Menue > Bookings > Genesis Booking Mask

Both Groups which have been created it former step are now appearing seperated from the single users on top of the list.

  1. Revoke access to Genesis Booking Mask for the "Accounting" – Group the same way as for single users.

  1. Access to Genesis Mask is now denied for users that are assigned to Accounting – Group

Password – Management

In 1026 Password – Handling has changed.

  1. Passwords are now encrypted inside database

When first starting 1026 each user is forced to change the password (this is necessary because during this process the encryption of the password will take place)
Following message will appear when logging into 1026

After that new Password – Dialogue will open

Change of password will be confirmed

The new added password is now encrypted inside the database

  1. New options in dialogue Basic Data > Employees are available

    • Administrator:

if activated, this user is allowed to change passwords for other users (restart of DaVinci needed)

    • User must change password at next login:

self explanatory

    • User cannot change password:

self explanatory

    • Password never expires:

self explanatory

    • Button "Password":

Password can now be changed directly inside this dialogue ( not needed to change via menue – item File > Rights > Password )
This Button is only activated in the own profile of the user who is logged in or for the user in whose profile "Administrator" is activated.
Employee "A" is logged in (no administrator) and opens properties of Employee "B".
"Password" – Button is not active.

Employee "A" is logged in (administrator) and opens properties of Employee "B".
"Password" – Button is active.

As default password has to be changed after 30 days.
10 - 1 days before expiration the user will be informed by a pop-up-window.