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File name:

Allotment by gender

File size:

386 KB

Creation date:


Change date:

1/20/2012 12:01:00 A1/P1

Last printed:

9/22/2011 10:09:00 A9/P9









Beate Giaquinto





























































1. Data setup using the example for hotels
1.1. Booking code
1.1.1. Code schema
1.1.2. allotment
2. example bookings

Data setup using the example for hotels

In this document we will show you the data set up for allotment by gender using the example of a hotel.


example bookings

The following example bookings can be tested now.

  1. Booking with one 'normal' double room - the system should deduct one double room
  2. Booking with a half double room female - the system should deduct one double room
  3. Booking with a half double room male - the system should deduct one double room

If the next half double room will be booked for female or male the system will not deduct a double room, because this person will share the still deducted room with the person who was still booked.
In our example the following bookings were booked:

  1. Booking no. 65 - two half double rooms male
  2. Booking no. 66 - one 'normal' double room
  3. Booking no. 67 - one half double room female

In total we expect that the system will deduct 3 rooms from the allotment now.

Now on the allotments the user can see that exactly 3 double rooms were booked.

And in the details of the allotment the user can also see all participants of the 3 rooms booked.

If the next booking will be a double room female the allotment will not be deducted because this woman will share the room avec with the women booked in booking no. 67.
If the next booking will be a double room male the allotment will be deducted because the men will be booked in a separate room.