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Use of Remarks

It is possible to use CRS remaks to deliver certain information into the Jack Plus booking. This information is transferred to the booking during the import of the CRS file.

Company information
Service Line


You are able to define certain data which will be transferred to the Jack Plus booking during import of the CRS file. In order to define the respective data please open < File - CRS-Option - Remarks>.

First of all you have to enable the checkbox <Self-defined remarks adoption activated >. This option is responsible for drawing additional information from the remarks, and not the standard information.

Next you should set a separator symbol between the single fields (i.e. # or *). This symbol must be entered between every field.

If you are often working for companies you should also define a separator symbol for the passenger data, i.e. "P". As an example you would then write P1#KN1234#ZGDE#RAIATA#P2#KN6789 as a remark.

In the lower part of the dialogue you can define shortcuts for a range of information which can be transferred to the booking.
For example you could define CN for Customer Number or DA for Destination Area.
If you do not use a certain information in this list, just leave the Code field empty. If it is filled in Jack Plus will search for this information in the remarks.

In working with companies it is also important to decide whether the chosen information is transferred to the booking only once for all passengers or for every passenger. If the information is the same for all passengers it can be entered in the first passenger. During import this information is then copied to the other passengers.

Company Information

The second tab is meant for transferring coporate information.

You can define which field of the corporate information dialogue in the booking is filled from the remarks. As the description of the fields in that dialogue can be changed you will see only the description "Field 1", "Field 2" ... in the Remarks dialogue.

Please define a shortcut which will be entered in front of the corporate information, i.e. CO.

In addition to this you have to define an own separator for the corporate information (please note: the separator must be different from the one you defined for the General section).

You may also define (via the radio buttons) whether the information is not required, should be transferred ony once per booking or for each passenger.


Es können in den Remarks auch die Informationen für Refunds und Void Tickets erfasst werden. Hier muss nun ein Kürzel definiert werden, das in den Remarks vor den Refund-Infos verwendet wird; z.B. "REF". Ausserdem ist ein Trennzeichen zu erfassen, das zwischen den einzelnen Refund-Informationen steht, z.B. „/ „ (dies muss ein anderes sein als das allgemeine Trennzeichen, das auf der ersten Karteikarte steht, da die Refund-Infos vom Transformer als ein Feld interpretiert werden).
Folgende Informationen müssen zum Refund in der Remarkzeile erfasst werden: Airline, Ticketnummer des refundeten Tickets, Refund-Fare, Refund-Tax. Also z.B.


Auf der Registerkarte < Kunde > können Kürzel für verschiedene kundenspezifische Informationen definiert werden. Werden in einer Remarkzeile die entsprechenden Kundeninformationen geliefert, so werden diese in einen neuen Kunden übernommen.

Service Line

Auf der Registerkarte < Leistung > können Kürzel für verschiedene vorgangsspezifische Informationen definiert werden. Werden in einer Remarkzeile die entsprechenden Vorgangsinformationen geliefert, so werden diese in den Vorgang mit übernommen.

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