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Table of content
1 SETUP OF languages
1.1 Where to find the languages
1.2 introduction
1.3 Setup new Languages
1.4 Languages for clients
1.4.1 Setup the language in an address
1.5 Languages for descriptions in booking codes
1.5.1 Setup the language in a booking code

SETUP OF languages

Where to find the languages

Menu configuration / System Setting / Basis data/Travels / Languages


The Languages will be needed to define the basic languages of a tour operator in the system and to define the clients languages which whom the tour operator is working with. In the template database there are several languages predefined. English is the main language from this database.

Setup new Languages

Right mouse click into the window on the right side; choose "New"

Fill out the following dialog:

Language Fill in a two letter code for the language
Namethis is only an internal description
Set as main The tour operators language will be flagged with main. Only one language can be flagged with main language

Languages for clients

Setup the language in an address

On tab 'addittion' the language of a client can be choosen. This information will be overtaken in the booking and the reports will react on this language in the case that the report print all information in the language of the client if they are stored.

Languages for descriptions in booking codes

Setup the language in a booking code

In the bookingcode the informations have to have stored in several languages if needed to print them on client reports. For this the setup of information have to be done in different languages.
All multilingual fields of a bookingcode are marked in another colour

The user can choose the language and store the information

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