Creating Bookingcodes
h1. General
Prior to the generating of booking codes within DaVinci MidOffice the following basic data must have been entered in advance:
-Statistics flags
-Code pattern,
-Code table
-Addresses (service provider, invoice sender, requests receiver, reporting list receiver, if necessary: destination area agency)
- If necessary. General ledgers, (debtors and accounts payable are added automatically with address planting)
Index Cards for booking codes
Index „Booking code"
This Index holds all necessary basic data for a booking code.
The index is independent available from the request type.
Own Notes
Mask fields „data"
When feeding in a new data record this field is filled automatically set.
A condition for it is that you have selected the desired catalogue before.
Booking name
In this text field a booking name is seized manually. This name can be changed at any time. These changes are automatically transferred to the existing reports.
Booking code
The booking code may consist of maximally 17 characters. After the first reservation the code cannot be adapted any more for this service.
For the reservation code may neither be used empty/special characters nor umlauts. An exception exists with the new installation of a flight service, where blanks are permitted.
To ease statistical reports it should be considered to use, so called, speaking codes, e.g.: MIA10100; MIA10101; MIA20100; MIA20100
MIA = 3 Letter code of the airport (Miami)
10 = West coast (Region code) or
20 = East coast (Region code)
100 = Town Hotel (Area code) or
200 = Beach Hotel (Area code)
11 = Hotel 1; 12 = Hotel 2...
(Continuous numbering code for booking codes)
To separate Airlines operating to the same airport, a new booking code may be extended by the 2-letter-code of the airline e.g. LH: CGN MIA/LH (Outbound)
To allow Da Vinci to identify the correct and corresponding return flight the code should be e.g.: MIA CGN/LH (Inbound)
Define the request type (service type) of the booking code (AIR, HOTEL, BUS, TRAIN etc.). This type can be chosen from a predefined table (refer to the "settings")
The selected service type cannot be changed after the first booking!
Request Type
This field allows you to set different Request types in sub groups.
In the "settings" section you may generate individual booking codes.
Mask fields „Price Tables"
If selected the selling price table of the respective service will be used.
Disregard "access code" at this stage.
One Way/Return flight
If a return flight, which will take place at different dates, shall be booked in only one service line with one price in Genesis, in this field the appropriate price table is selected.
Disregard "access code" at this stage.
Purchase price
Select the purchase price table of the respective service.
Disregard "access code" at this stage.
Last Minute
Select the last Minute price table of the respective service.
Disregard "access code" at this stage.
Access code 1-3
Special price tables can be deposited; these apply only in combination with the respective access code (e.g. PACKAGE to package tours).
Permitted Price Changes
If marked, manual price adjustments are permitted in the reservation mask Genesis.
Other fields
This field manages the external CRS Interface. Depending upon the selected interface further entries, may also be necessary on the INDEX sheet CRS.
The following entries are available:
•Flight interface the service is handled via the external flight service.
•HitchHiker flight the service is handled via the HitchHiker interface.
•Package interface the service is handled via the external package service.
•SBBThe service is handled via the SBB interface.
•SBIThe service is handled via the SBI interface.
Cancellation relay
You may choose from <basic data – rules> and < relays/cancellation relay > and link this relay to this particular booking code only.
Rebooking relay
Link a rebooking relay to a specific booking code
Mask fields „optional information "
Book ability
At this stage may decide from a list whether this service can be booked or it's closed for bookings. Bookable is set to default.
With the posting of selling prices the reservation code is assigned to an account from the deposited accounts (general ledgers).
Account group
With the posting of purchase and selling prices the assigned account is linked to a certain account group.
Cost centre
Certain cost centres from a deposited cost centre list can be assigned.
Order NR.
An order number can be seized manually for the internal administration.
Cancellation relay Purchase Price
Whilst agreed with the supplier the appropriate cancellation relay per purchase price will be linked automatically. If the Name and address of the invoice sender is entered already it will be drawn here.
Invoice sender
Select the Invoice Sender (=Accounts payable / Creditor) of every single Service from all given addresses. If the accounting tool of Da Vinci is in use, the setting of creditors is mandatory.
Destination area agency
Select the responsible, local service provider for the given service from a deposited address list.
Service provider
Select the local service provider for the given service from a list. E.g. the provider who actually delivers the booked service (The Hotel that actually furnishes, from a deposited address list selected)
Request receiver
Select the Request receiver, where the requests are mailed to, from the address list.
Reporting list receiver
Select the receiver, where the acknowledge lists are mailed to, from the address list.
Rental Car Region
In case of rental cars the region can be deposited here as a further marking.
Marks are defined in the application settings. A deposited a mark may serve as a further marking
Arranged Services
If this flag is set the invoice sender converts to a service supplier. This option may be chosen if services delivered by another service provider are arranged.
Extended RQ
An extended Request is defined to send the request information's to a further party e.g. (invoice sender e.g. destination area agency, RQ-centre of a hotel chain)
Therefore the additional Request receiver can afterwards entered to in the Request handling. The reservations can take place without reporting to the service provider.
Group journey
A Flag here defines this reservation as a group journey
A Flag here defines this reservation as a pure Retail service
Index „Options 1"
On this index sheet additional options are deposited for the controlling of the reservation code. The index sheet is available independently of the request type.
Own notes
Mask fields „General Parameter"
If a Flag is set manually in one of the following settings, the following rules occur:
Service always on Request (RQ)
These service are not holding allocations, they are always booked on Request (Status RQ).
Service always via RQ Handling
Even though there is an allocation fort his service, all requests are send to the service supplier via the RQ Handling Tools (Status RK).
Service cannot be cancelled after
Services cannot be cancelled after x Days (e.g. Travel resignation insurance)
Service not bookable after
Services being blocked for bookings after x Days
Confirmation of important notes
Important notes for this service appear in the reservation mask Genesis; these notes are to be confirmed by the agent. These notes can be deposited on the Index sheet "text".
Disable Announcement
In this case the booking code will not be displayed for selection purposes in the Genesis Mask.
Price calculation and the end only
The service price will be calculated at the end when all services are entered.
Travel resignation and the luggage insurance can be calculated therefore on basis of all other service prices.
No calculation for TRI (RRV)
The service price is not considered with the calculation of the RRV (travel resignation insurance). This flag is set with the RRV service.
Insurance service contains RRV
The insurance service contains already the RRV (travel resignation insurance).
Date outside of packages is no package service
The calculation of the service price does have dates outside of the package, so that the service is charged to the normal price per unit.
By booking a reservation code with the request type „H"several kinds of service can be chosen at the same time in the service selection.
Permit price group with multi service
In case of multiple services a price group is possible.
Single documentation at alternative price grouping
The service price will be displayed separately within the price grouping
Service closed for option
This service cannot be booked on option.
Irrelevant for the service accounting
This service is not considered within the service provider account (SIC).
Service must be assigned to all participants
This service must be assigned to all participants of the reservation.
Service empty stay
This service is an empty service' (‚empty stay'), which is not booked via DaVinci, but represents a substitute symbol for the travel process.
For price rule use number/request
This flag affects requirement-referred price rule examinations (1.Index price rule of entries „requirements "and „number of requirement/reservation "). If it is set (default) the service with this flagged price rule is considered otherwise it will not be calculated at all.
Mask field „Vacancy format"
These fields are only used for hotel and/or flight services.
Maximum's number
Enter here the maximum number of places available, 9 is set to default.
Select from a deposited list whether the vacancies shall be indicated e.g. by the week or by the day
Mask field „Search criteria"
This criterion is placed in a list in basic data, thereafter it can be selected in the vacancies.
This criterion is placed in a list in basic data, thereafter it can be selected in the vacancies.
This criterion is placed in a list in basic data, thereafter it can be selected in the vacancies.
Mask field „down payment"
By fulfilling these fields the entries from „settings"will be overruled
It may be selected from the following down payment options:
In relation to the selected topic a corresponding value needs to be entered.
- Fix on BookingA fix Amount per booking will be calculated
- Fix per PersonA fix Amount per person will be calculated.
- Percentage on BookingA fix percentage per booking will be calculated
- Percentage on ServiceA fix percentage per service will be calculated
If this flag is set the down payment option linked to the booking code will be drawn
Ignore Standard down payment
If this flag is set the down payment option from „settings" will be ignored
Other Fields
Cost Unit
For accounting purposes select cost units from a list.
Index „Options 2"
This index supplies further steering options for the booking code. The index sheet is available independently of the request type.
Own notes
Mask fields „combinations"
In the following cases the reservation code is limited by additional conditions.
Service only in combination with others
If this flag is set the service can be booked only with at least one - arbitrary - further service.
The service can be booked only in combination with the request type assigned here.
Reservation code
The service can be booked only in combination with the reservation code assigned here.
Kind of service
The service can be booked only in combination with the kind of service assigned here.
The service can be booked only in combination with reservation codes from the assigned destinations.
Date examination
If this flag is set the examination of the combinations are date checked
Mask fields „Statistics flags"
In "settings" are the desired statistics flags defined. There designation, analysis sequence and the obligation field specification are stopped.
These characteristics are used for statistic purposes, inquiries by vacancies as well as for other list evaluations. Characteristics, which are grey deposited on the screen, were not marked in "settings" as active.
Type of travel
Select the type of travel e.g. Event, Cruise
Select the destination e.g. Albania
Select the destination e.g. Ferry
Select the vacation country e.g. Austria
Select the vacation region e.g. Zillertal
Product type
Select the Product type e.g. Ski course, excursion
Other Fields
Alt. Destination Airport
Place here an alternative a destination airport for the service, which is evaluated during the combination examination. This might be necessary if a hotel can be reached from several airports, which are in different target areas.
e.g. "Isla Canela" can either be served from Faro, Portugal or Jerez de la Frontera, Spain
Mask fields „Other"
Code pattern
For certain reservation codes code pattern can be deposited and can be assigned via a deposited list. These patterns may be used e.g. for the reservation of package services as well as for Internet reservations.
Age profile
Is a special age profile for a reservation code defined; the age profile from "settings" will be overruled.
Essentials are needed to link cost effective (for the client) customer's requests e.g. Room in the 1. Floor with sea view to a reservation code assigned. These essentials must be defined at journeys/rules/relays /essentials in a table with designation, duration and, most important, prices. Subsequently, defined Essential can be assigned to the appropriate reservation codes, e.g. Hotel. The costs of the special request are considered when booking.
Product type Rebooking
In this case a deposited rebooking table will be assigned to the reservation code
Product group
You may deposit the product group of the service here. With directly new product groups can be seized.
Mask field „default values"
Assign a room type e.g. Twin Room (TR) as default to a Hotel reservation code.
This option is recommended, if a hotel has only a type of room, so that this accommodation does not have to be seized any longer additionally under the index sheet type of service.
The same applies, if a hotel has different room types however as standard catering is e.g. breakfast only. In such a case this food supply can be deposited as standard under the index sheet options 2. Therefore no more food supply must be defined with the room types under the record sheet type of service.
Exit Bus
Assign a certain bus exit stop from a deposited table, which is drawn automatically in Genesis.
Exit Train
Assign a certain train exit stop from a deposited table, which is drawn automatically in Genesis.
Mask Fields „reservation code – Season meals"
Deposit residence referred (from/to) season food supply codes (catering).
Transfer Catering Genesis
If this flag is set the catering option will automatically drawn in Genesis
Index „Flights"
This index supplies further steering options for air services. The index sheet is only available with of the request type "F".
Own notes
Mask field „flight parameter"
This entry marks the kind of air service and should be set on a air service
Following air services are available:
- Feeder flight
- De-feeder flight
- Feeder flight return
- Main flight out
- Main flight in
- Main flight return
- Flight is not limited
- CRS- Feeder flight
- CRS- de-Feeder flight
This entry marks the type of air service (Information field).
Following air types are available:
- Non-stop
- Direct
- Transfer
- Stopover
Flights are defaulted to non-stop services
Store here the Airline of the Air Service... The list of the airlines is maintained within the system under basic data/journeys and flight.
In case of a scheduled flight service the flight rotation will be stored here. The setting of the flight rotations is described in a separate document.
Departure in
You may set the departure destination here. The list of the destinations is maintained within the system under base data/journeys and statistics flags.
The handling of flight regularizations is described in a separate document.
You may set the arrival destination here. The list of the target areas is maintained within the system under base data/journeys and statistics flags.
The handling of flight regularizations is described in a separate document.
Flight number
If there is a set flight number assigned to the air service, it may be set here.
In case of flight rotations the flight number as well as the remaining data will be taken into the reservation.
Connection flight
This flag defines an air service as a connection flight and can only be booked as such. If the flag is set, then a further air service can be registered into the field „Corresponding" as a connection flight
No check of flight parameters
Flight parameters of a booking are not examined
Open jaw possible
This flags allows open jaw flights for this air service
This flag marks a flight a domestic and all reports will honour this flag; it does not have an effect on the reservation examination.
Only Round-Trip possible
If this flag is set all air services marked as Main flight in or out can only be booked in combination
Seasonal pricing
In case of the use of traffic-day-dependent prices (e.g. flight day, flight duration and airport-referred package rates) the traffic tag season table (type "traffic days ") is assigned to the flight service.
Index „Sub codes"
Are special allocations (Sub allocations) and/or prices (Sub prices) and not main contingents and/or main prices to be addressed this can be defined via the allocation of Sub codes. The deposited Sub codes must correspond with the Sub codes within the Sub price tables and Sub allocations. Thus it is for example controllable that only a certain (reduced) number of rooms (Sub contingent) are available within certain arrangements/packages. Reductions for flights within arrangement/packages can be defined likewise in such a way.
The index sheet is available independently of the request type.
Own notes
Sub code Allocation
Select a Sub code (access code) for the controlling of special sub allocations.
Sub code Price
Selected a sub-code (access code) for the controlling of special Sub prices
Sub 2 Code
This entry is not to be used no more and existed only still for compatibility reasons
This entry is not to be used no more and existed only still for compatibility reasons
Mask fields „Sub-allocation codes/ Assignment "
Controlling of special sub allocations via assigned Sub-Codes
Sub-Code reference to an assigned sub allocation
Define the request type to be valid the assigned sub allocation.
Booking code
Define the booking code to be valid the assigned sub allocation.
If this option is activated, the assigned sub allocation (Sub-Code) will be checked for all services of a reservation, if there is a match in „Request" and „Booking Code"; at no match the main allocation will be booked
If this option is activated, the assigned sub allocation (Sub-Code) will be checked for all services of a package, if there is a match in „Request" and „Booking Code"; at no match the main allocation will be booked
If this option is activated, the assigned sub allocation (Sub-Code) will be checked for all own services, if there is a match in „Request" and „Booking Code"; at no match the main allocation will be booked
Mask fields „Sub Price codes / Assignment "
Controlling of special sub prices via assigned Sub-Codes
Sub-Code reference to an assigned sub price table
Define the request type to be valid the assigned sub prices.
Booking code
Define the booking code to be valid the assigned sub prices.
If this option is activated, the assigned sub price (Sub-Code) will be checked for all services of a reservation, if there is a match in „Request" and „Booking Code"; at no match the main price table will be booked
If this option is activated, the assigned sub price (Sub-Code) will be checked for all services of a package, if there is a match in „Request" and „Booking Code"; at no match the main price table will be booked
If this option is activated, the assigned sub price (Sub-Code) will be checked for all own services, if there is a match in „Request" and „Booking Code"; at no match the main price table will be booked
Index „Text":
This index is to store several information / text modules, so diverse text messages may be imprinted on confirmation, voucher and/or invoice.
The index sheet is available independently of the request type.
Own notes
Service specification:
In this note field a detailed service specification can be set manually this information is imprinted on the travel confirmation.
Additional information:
In these text fields manually additional information can be entered. This information can also be imprinted on e.g. the travel confirmation or the Voucher.
Important notes with the reservation:
If under the index sheet options 1 the flag is set and a text is seized this must be confirmed in Genesis. (General information)
The definition from references is made by the"more" Button . Manual and pre-defined references to the reservation code can be deposited and assigned to the booking.
Important notes are e.g. current Construction or renovation work, which are to communicate by the tour operators to their customers before the travel commences, in order not to be liable afterwards.
If such references were seized, these are indicated to the service in Genesis while booking and must be confirmed with the action „UC ".
For detailed description refer to section „notes and texts ".
Text module
The definition of the texts, which are to be available for Printouts, is made by the "more" Button . The appropriate document (e.g. Crystal report) must support the imprinting of these texts.
For further description refer to section „notes and texts "
Index „Service Type":
This Index collects the various service types that shall be valid for a booking code. Service type are e.g. Room types (SR, TR, incl. catering etc.) of a Hotel. For flights it could be e.g. economy class or business class, for musicals it could be the ticket categories A, B and C
The index sheet is available independently of the request type.
Own notes
INDEX „Assigning Codes" via New / Edit
To edit code assignments (Service type) use either
Own notes
Mask fields „Description Service Type"
Enter the internal name of the service type e.g. TR = Twin Room.
This can be imprinted on the confirmation
Service Provider
This Text field hold the service description name from the service provider; which may differ from the internal name. This description can be imprinted on the nomination list ort he request form
Index „Code"
Own notes
Mask fields „code combinations (accommodation) "
Up to five codes can be configured in the input fields and gathered to a bookable service. In case of a hotel service it can be e.g. code of the room type, occupancy and catering. The codes are defined in journeys/master data/code table within the system code table. Via the associated Button the assigned code can be reached directly.
Mask fields „occupancy"
Select here a special code to control the occupancy (e.g. in a Hotel room)
This code must be defined first under journeys/master data/code table within the system code table. Via the associated Button the assigned code can be reached directly.
Mask fields „service type – Season catering"
Table for the control of seasonal catering codes e.g. Hotel services. The assigning of the catering codes takes place per date range (season).
The codes must be defined first in journeys/master data/code table within the system code table.
Transfer Catering to Genesis
If this flag is activated the catering services is transferred automatically as soon as the travel date matches the standard catering range.
Mask fields „characteristics"
Select from a list whether a service is available or blocked, default is available
Always send via RQ Handling
Even though there is an allocation behind, this service shall be send via the RQ handling to get this service reconfirmed.
Room type
To get different room splitting from the standard report „Room list" this field is mandatory; the room type is taken from a list.
Mask fields „Code combination (external) "
For external services, this is to define the external accommodation code. This field is in relation to the external system mandatory.
For external services, this is to define the external occupancy. This field is in relation to the external system mandatory.
For external services, this is to define the external catering. This field is in relation to the external system mandatory.
Mask fields „assign allocation"
Assign an internal (DaVinci-) allocation to a service type. Generating and editing allocations are subject of another class.
Sub 2 Code
If a special sub allocation shall be used instead of the main allocation, sub 2 code will need to show the appropriate code of the sub allocation.
Sub allocation
Not valid anymore, field exists due to compatibility with older versions.
Booking on Request only
If this flag is activated, this particular service can only be booked on request only, there is no allocation behind.
Index „Options"
Own notes
Mask fields „characteristic"
If you are working with an external data base e.g. online hotel data base, please enter the external code here, to enable DaVinci to react.
This does only work if "Use external Code" is flagged.
Use external Code
See a)
Min/max Person
In Use only in combination with the ship module
In Use only in combination with the ship module
Cat. Transport search
In Use only in combination with the ship module
Product group
In Use only in combination with the ship module
Assign Service to all participants
In Use only in combination with the ship module
Mask fields „Combinations"
In these cases the service type will be limited:
Service only in Combination with other
If flagged, this service needs at least one other service to be booked
Book only with this request type
Booking code
Book only with this booking code
Service type
Book only with this service type
Book only with booking codes from this destination
Date check
If flagged there will be a date check fort he required combination
Mask fields „Text modules"
Description Service Type
Define Texts for Printouts; use the „more" Button .
The corresponding document print (e.g. Crystal Report) needs to assist the print.
Further information in "Notes and texts"
Mask fields „Notes"
Notes Service Type
Define Notes via the "more" Button . Place manual or predefined notes to a service type and they will be available upon booking.
Important notes may be e.g. Hotel construction, which is to be advised prior to departure of the client.
These notes are displayed and they need to get confirmed with "BC"
Further information in "Notes and texts"
Index „Extra beds"
This index controls any extra beds for an accommodation.
Codes are checked in the price table types "Hotel" and "Package".
Therefore an extra bed code needs to be fed in.
The price description will be defined in a separate document.
Own notes
Booking with the following extra beds
In the input fields are up to three codes configured as extra bed codes.
The codes are defined in journeys/master data/code table within the system code table. Via the associated Button the assigned code can be reached directly.
Max. Age
Assign the max age for a client, the leads to the rule, that only clients with up to this age can be booked onto an extra bed (allocation check Genesis).
These offers further the possibility that in dependence of the age e.g. a different number of extra beds (minimum persons / minimum persons in the code definition) can be defined.
Index „Schedules"
This Window is usually used for special offers e.g. Weekend arrangements.
You may define that in between 01.07-30.09.2009 arrivals are possible only on Fridays and Saturdays and as Departures are only possible from Sundays to Wednesdays. In duration from/to and period from/to you may define minimum stays and/or specific periods.
The index sheet is available independently of the request type.
Own notes
If services shall be booked only with specific dates, theses dates may be generated by using the assistant .
Arrival-/Departure days
Special arrival and departure days as well as periods can be defined here.
The default setting is „no" which means that no dates were seized.
By clicking the "more" button the valid definitions will appear.
Date Check
Were certain dates defined settings have to be changed to "check dates"
Only if this setting is set the pre-defined dates in the reservation mask Genesis are indicated and considered. The default setting is "no Check".
Index „schedule assistant"
This picture will demonstrate how a schedule will be generated.
Own notes
Mask Fields „Schedules"
Date from / to
The departure period is selected for the dates to be entered.
For packages the period of the booking code will be set.
Enter the Service duration dates here.
Set remarks per date
Select from list whether the date is available or blocked
The default setting of a new generated date is "Available".
Order Nbr.
The order number must be manually entered (e.g. an order number per date) for statistic evaluations.
Mask Fields „Repeat"
Indicate the weekdays for which the dates are to be generated.
Define the rhythm in which the period entered shall be repeated. For the repetition firm weekdays can be intended as well as weekly, two, three or four weekly rhythm.
In the current example the agreed date takes place regularly on Mondays.
After these data were registered and the dialogue window was confirmed with „ok", these data are transferred automatically to the window below. In order to complete these data for accounting the fields cost centre, account and cost unit can be assigned from deposited tables.
Index „valid Arrival and departure dates"
Attention: if there is one period set than all following period have to be defined.
The default setting in this particular case in invalid instead of valid!
Own notes
Mask Fields „Days"
For every weekday it can be defined whether it is an Arrival (A) or Return (R) day.
Valid period fort he above defined arrival and return dates.
Mask Fields „Min. stay"
Length from / to
Enter all available periods.
Period from / to
Periods were the above set stays are valid.
If special weekdays are to be checked select them here.
Modify the checking of the periods from above (Period from / to):
- Departure in Period If the departure day is in the set period
- Departure and return in Period If the departure and return day is are the set period.
- Stay If the stay or a part of are in the set period
Index „Package"
Merge single services to one package by using this index sheet.
Define ingredients, date order of services and special package rates.
The index sheet is available independently of the request type but she is only with request type "P" relevant.
Own notes:
Requirement / Group
Selection criteria to limit the indication list of the individual services within the package.
Special Offer
Assign a key that effects the price calculation of train services (train module).
Price group
If several packages are merged in one Genesis booking, they can summarize in a price group. In this case for all packages only one total price will be printed on the confirmation form.
That presupposes that all packages were assigned to a group.
Compatible reservation codes
If e.g. the guests of the Hotel London shall be rebooked to hotel Paris, this is possible under the condition that a compatible code has been assigned via the button
Default setting to this option is set on "no ".
This function will test whether the assigned reservation codes do exist or not.
If a reservation code for a package service is entered, e.g. the Price table is examined whether this code exists there. If there are deviations, an appropriate reference is given.
Assign a new single service to an existing package
Edit the assigned characteristics of a single service.
This function deletes the marked individual service from the package.
Enter new column
If the existing table shall be supplemented by a new column, this Function is required to enter further information.
Delete column
Delete an existing column
Index „Assign characteristics of a service" via new / Edit:
Entering and editing of a package service will be done via the Buttons
Own notes
Mask Fields „Booking code"
Booking code name
Select an existing booking code (single service) from a list.
Service Type
Block or wipe out single services for a package
Add new single services (booking code)
Call up the characteristics of a marked single service
Index „Package characteristics"
Own notes
Define the assignment type of a single service to a package:
- Inclusive The single service is a Inclusive service and
Thus always a fix component of the package
- None Undefined
- OptionalThe individual service is an auxiliary option and can be added to the package; as standard it is not part of the package.
- Optional in Group the individual service is an auxiliary option and can be added from a group; as standard it is not part of the package.
- Mandatory Service The individual service is an obligation service
And must be booked
As standard a part of the package and cannot
Be deactivated.
- Standard option The single service is a standard option and
Can be added
As standard a part of the package and can be
- Standard option in Group The single service is a standard option and
Can be added from a group
As default the first service of a group
Is part of the booking
- Mandatory choice The Single service is an obligation to vote.
This means that a service from a group
Must be booked
As default the first service of a group
Is part of the booking
To arrange a clear package on the reservation mask, obligation to vote and optional service of a certain group should be assigned e.g. Hotel, flight, transfer.
Cancellation relay
You may store an individual cancellation relay for each package service here.
Price-Package group
To group package services on the invoice, price package groups are generated.
Package Remark
Text Note that can be imprinted on documents
Assign an offer key that effects on the price calculation of train service (train module)
Rule control
This entry contains control information, which is relevant in connection with the price rule hierarchy. The price rule hierarchy is an additional DaVinci module, which permits service-spreading definitions of proportional surcharges and discounts.
Index „Options"
Own notes
Ignore sales price table from booking code
While booking this service within a package, the individual sales price table shall be ignored
Ignore purchase price table from booking code
While booking this service within a package, the individual purchase price table shall be ignored
Allow manual rate changes
While booking this service within a package manual changes are allowed.
At end of Service duration use price of booking code
If this flag is set, the rate of the single service booking code is drawn after the assigned package duration.
Service is CETS-main service
If this flag is set, in CETS this service will be the main service of the package.
Index „Print Parameter"
Activate Printouts for the documents in relation to the single service as part of the package. The document must assist these flags, otherwise these settings are ignored.
Own notes
Mask Fields „Schedules"
These fields will assist you to define the travel process within the package.
Specify the beginning and end of each single service.
The package „Verona special "lasts from 01.08-08.08.2009 and covers the following service:
• An outbound flight which is always at the beginning of the package
• A 2-days hotel stay which begins to likewise with the package start
• A 2-day round trip which follows the hotel stay
• A renewed (4-day) hotel stay, which follows the round trip
• A return flight at the package as follows
This process can be illustrated as follows:
Service: Date: Start of Service End of Service
Outbound Flight |
01.08-01-08.2009 |
0 Days, Depending on the outbound flight 0 |
0 Days, Depending on the outbound flight 0 |
Hotel |
01.08- 03.08.2009 |
0 Days, Depending on the outbound flight 0 |
2 Days, Depending on the outbound flight -2 |
Roundtrip |
03.08.-05.08.2009 |
2 Days, Depending on the outbound flight +2 |
3 Days, Depending on the outbound flight +4 |
Hotel |
05.08.-08.08.2009 |
4 Days, Depending on the outbound flight +4 |
0 Days, Depending on the outbound flight +7 |
Return flight |
08.08.-08.08.2009 |
0 Days, Depending on the inbound flight 0 |
0 Days, Depending on the inbound flight 0 |
Begin of the Service
- Depending of the booking date
The Start date of this service is the booking date + <days> Days
- Depending of the end of another group
The start date of the service is the end of another package service <Service> + <days> days
Depending of the end of another groupthe start date of this service is the end of a group <Group> + <Days> Days
- Depending on the arrival date
The Start date of this service is the start date of the package + <Days> Days
- Depending on the return date
The start date of this service is the end date of the package + <Days> Days
- Variable Start
The Start date of this service is variable
End of the service
- Depending of the beginning of another groupThe end date of this service is the start of the group <Group> + <Days> days
- Depending of the beginning of another service
The end date of this service is the start of the service <service> + <days> days
- Depending on the booking date
The end date of this service is the booking date + <days> days
- Depending on the arrival date
The end date of this service is the Start date of the package + <days> days
- Depending on the return date
The end date of this service is the End date of the package + <days> days
- Fix duration
The end date of this service is the Start date of this service + <Duration of service> Nights
- Variable duration
The end date of this service is the variable
Mask Fields „DaVinci Price tables"
Sales price table
Sales price tables can be assigned for individual package services
Purchase price table
Purchase price tables can be assigned for individual package services
Index „Print parameter"
This window allows special print controls for documents. The index sheet is available independently of the request type.
Own notes
Mask Fields „Voucher"
Voucher per Person
If this flag is set a voucher per person is printed automatically
Number of Voucher
Define the number of vouchers to be printed.
Voucher with Price
If this flag is set the service price will be imprinted on the voucher, the report has to assist this feature
Voucher Prices incl. VAT
If this flag is set the service price incl. VAT will be imprinted on the voucher, the report has to assist this feature
Mask Fields „Other"
Print service provider address
For these services the address of the service provider shall be imprinted, this is defaulted Standard reports.
Mask Fields „Valid for"
Printouts (e.g. Crystal Report) for documents depending on the booking code can be activated here. The corresponding Print must have the same flag set (print for this service with active flag only), otherwise the setting remains inactive.
Mask Fields „attached Documents"
Is the print of external documents required it has to be insured that all required documents support the print of the, selected here, documents.
Name the Document to be printed.
- Per File The attached document shall be printed once per File
- Per Service The attached document shall be printed once per Service
- Per client The attached document shall be printed once per Client
From Departure / To Departure
Travel period for the external document to be imprinted.
Language for the external document to be imprinted
Activate selected travel documents for this external document.
The corresponding Print must have the same flag set (print for this service with active flag only), otherwise the setting remains inactive.
Notes and Texts
Index „Warnings"(Notes)
Own notes
Date from
Define the travel date for this notice to appear
Date to
Define the travel end date for this notice to appear
Valid Date
Specify whether the control fort he travel dates above shall be:
- Related to the stay
- Related to departure
- Related to departure- and arrival date
Booking from
Define the start of a booking period for this notice to appear
Booking to
Define the end of a booking period for this notice to appear
Days prior to departure
Define the days prior to departure for this notice to appear
Min days notice / Max days notice
Define the period for this notice to appear
Select from list whether the warning shall be available or blocked, defaulted to available
Travel duration for this notice to appear
General Notes
Enter a predefined Note via the Button
A new window will open and a Name and a short description shall be entered.
Individual Notes
Enter an individual text message.
Request only
If flagged, bookings are possible on request only
The period from Min / Max can be specified whether days or nights shall be calculated
Assign a print media
After storing a note the Name of the User will be added here. The name will also be displayed in Genesis when this note appears.
Display User-Code
If this flag is set the employees name from above will be displayed in Genesis.
Max 10 characters for individual text
No Options from
Number of days from when no more options are possible
Display in
Control the display of notes
Generate a new general note
By selecting the Buttons a new table appears
Add important booking notes here:
E.g. Single surcharge differs from Brochure or booking on request senseless
Index „Text modules"
Own notes
Enter the text required
This opens a list with divers print media (Voucher, Confirmation).
Please select the appropriate report here.