


The new automatic CRS import is available for existing bookings with existing flight services (internal and external). This import is matching the PNR with PNR information and ticket name of a participant in the Genesis booking file.

CRS Name

A ticket name following GDS character set (ICAO 9303) is now generated in DaVinci and stored for each participant in the properties.

In case of a double name with "-", a blank is set in the last name and middle name, whereas the first names are joined together.

Automatic CRS Import

As a pre-requisite for the automatic CRS import, the filekey needs to be available on the flight services in Genesis. It can be set manually on DaVinci internal flight booking codes (generating a bracket amongst all flight services which belong to the PNR). In case of external flight services, the filekey is already stored in the respective field and displayed in the properties of the service in Genesis.

Link of flight services to a PNR

A booking file on internal flights has been created.

Now, the flight services in Genesis shall be linked together on base of the filekey.
This is done by entering the respective filekey into the new field "Filekey" in the properties of all flight services belonging to the PNR.

The filekey can be stored with action CR.
As soon as an entry is available in the field "Filekey", this is displayed in the mouseover information on all flight booking codes linked to this PNR.

Link of external flight services

During creation of a booking file with external flight services, the entry in the field "Filekey" is automatically generated and stored.

Set up automated ticket import

System settings for automated ticket import

In system setting/settings/CRS/Various, the configuration for the automated ticket import is made. Additionally, the automatic ticket import needs to be activated here.

Definition of defaults for the PNR import are made in the highlighted lines:

  1. PNR import activated
  2. Folder accessed by the application with radio buttion "active" in CRS import dialogue (see Work Package 3)
  3. Folder accessed by the application with radio buttion "history" in CRS import dialogue

(see Work Package 3)

  1. Folder accessed by the applicationwith radio buttion "error" in CRS import dialogue

(see Work Package 3)
33Default setting related to import of sales prices from air file to booking file
34Default setting related to import of purchase prices from airfile to booking file
37 System behaviour for creation of new booking sequence with PNR import (needs to be deactivated)
39Default setting for import of participants of PNR as participants in Genesis (needs to be deactivated)
49System behaviour for import of PNR to service where PNR has already been imported (needs to be activated)
50Default setting to import elements of one PNR to several booking files (needs to be activated for group business)
55Default service profile related to PNR import (only needed in case that purchase/sales prices shall be imported)*
*Set up of default service profile is made via Travels – Service/price profile

In the upper part of the frame, the service profile can be created which is linked to be used during PNR import in the system settings.

Additionally, it is necessary to define price profiles for purchase and sales prices in the lower part of the frame. Both a price profile for fare as well as tax need to be created each.
Example of a price template for Fare:

Example of a price template for Tax:

Important: Link the Price Profiles to a new Point in the Settings on the Level of Flight Interface
Set up of scheduled job

The scheduled job for ticket import is defined in GenVas Dialogue via Extras/Scheduler…
Database and Password need to be defined for the scheduled service:

The configuration is defined in the dialogue which can be opened with the icon.

The scheduled tasks can be defined in the dialogue which can be opened with the icon.

In the task list dialogue, the new scheduled job can be added.

The wizard guides to the list of different tasks which can be scheduled.

External interface needs to be selected

where then Automatic CRS Import can be chosen

The Automatic CRS Import Dialogue is confirmed with OK.

Name of the job and schedule can be defined.

The schedule can now be stored.

Now, the job is available in the task list.

Remark: In case that the ticket-import shall run several times a day, mulitple jobs need to be defined in the task list.

Automatic Import

The scheduled job searches for booking files in which the Filekey is available. In case that they are found, in a next step, the ticket names are matched.
If all participants in the PNR can successfully be matched with Ticket names in DaVinci booking files, the automated import is – based on the system settings – generating a new sequence of the booking file and the respective air file is shifted to the "History" folder.

In case that a complete matching is not possible, the air file is shifted to the "Error" folder for manual distribution.

Segment Splitting

Flight details are split based on the dates and routing defined in the flight service lines in Genesis.

+Outbound:+Departure Airport = OSL
Arrival Airport = DEL
Start date of the outbound flight = 22.03.2013
Departure Airport = DEL
Arrival Airport = OSL
Start date of the inbound flight = 03.04.2013
PNR segments:

The automater does now split the segments of the PNR based on the service details in Genesis.
Details of the outbound flight:

Details of the inbound flight:

Remark: In case of stopover flights on either outbound or inbound flight, the stopover segment will be added logically to the flight with closest date.
The segment date from JNB to CPT is 02MAR.

As 02MAR is closer to outbound date on 06MAR than inbound on 22FEB, the routing will be considered as ARN JNB on 22.0 and JNB ARN on 02.03.

In case that the splitting is not possible for the automater, the respective air file will be shifted to the ‚Error' folder.

Ticket Import

If the air file contains ticket information, the respective information is stored in relation to the matching participant on the booking file.

Manual distribution of PNR information

System settings

The dialogue for manual distribution of PNRs is accessing the system settings described in Work Package 2.
Following dlls need to be available in the folder Cartridge of the BIN

The dialogue language is taken from the language settings of the operating system. In case that region and language are set to DE, it will be in German. For any other language settings, the default is English.

Access to CRS Import

In case that the initial import to a DaVinci booking file needs to be made manually, the details of the PNR are displayed when opening the respective filekey from the result list in the CRS import dialogue.
The dialogue can be accessed via Configuration – Import/Export – User defined interfaces

With doubleclick on CRS import, the folder containing the transformed airfiles can be accessed.

It is now possible to select a PNR for import from the result list available in the "active" folder (see radio button). With click on "Import", the matching dialogue opens.

Remark: In case that a PNR could not be successfully distributed by the automater, the according airfile is available in the "error" folder. For manual distribution, the user can access this folder by activation of the radio button "Error".
In the matching dialogue, the participants of the PNR are listed on the left hand side. At this stage, no matching and import has been taken place which is indicated by the participant icon

Matching for manual import can be done on the right hand side of the dialogue. Depending on the tab selection, the import will be done:

  1. Service: to an existing F service in an existing booking file
  2. Bookings: creating a new F* service in an existing booking file
  3. New Booking: creating a new booking file including a F* service

The automatic PNR import in version 1057 does support option 1: Import PNR to an existing DaVinci flight service.

Import PNR to existing flight service in existing booking

Matching of participants from PNR with participants in DV booking

In case that the filekey is not available on any booking file, it is possible to get a proposal for booking files containing matching CRS names and matching routing in the dialogue with click on "services". The respective booking files are displayed on the right hand side of the dialogue.

As the matching is also including the ticket name generated in DaVinci (see Work Package 1), the respective information is displayed for information.

In the process of matching participants from a PNR with participants in a DaVinci booking file, the according participant information is shifted from the left hand side to the window on the right, creating a relation between those entries. It is possible to do the shifting on single person base or for several participants. This can be steered with the arrow buttons in the middle of the dialogue (single arrow = single person, double arrow = multiple persons).

The user now wants to initiate the matching proposal for all participants of the PNR and marks marks all participants displayed in the dialogue on the right (CTRL + A or with mouse click).

With click on the button – "matching PNR PAX", matching of PNR participant (name read from the airfile) against PNR Name in DaVinci (generated in DaVinci) is started.

Based on the matching logic, the distribution of the PNR participant in relation to DaVinci booking and participant is proposed.

The status matched for participants is indicated with the icon.
For import of the PNR information to the selected participants/booking files, the settings as defined in the system settings are preset in the dialogue.
With click on button "Import", the import of PNR information/tickets is now started.

If this error message appears, the matching needs to be done for the second flight service as well. Click on „Cancel" in order to complete the matching.

Select the second flight service expected on the left side and click on "Services" to add the inbound services for matching.

After "matching PNR PAX" on the inbound, the import can be started.

The import is done with a rebooking action (U) creating a new sequence. The successful import for all participants in the PNR is indicated in the PNR.

The airfile can now be deleted from the import path with click on „Yes". It is then moved to the folder defined in the system settings as Backup and will be visible in CRS Import dialogue for radiobuttion "History".
In the dialogue, the new icon now indicates, that tickets have been added to the respective participants.

Filekey and flight segements are now available on the flight services in the booking file.

Correction of matching – ticket name

In this example, the participant 3 has been booked with a wrong surname in DaVinci resulting in the fact, that the CRS name has been generated different to the participant in the PNR.

After "matching PNR PAX" one participant in the PNR could not be matched with CRS name in a DaVinci booking.

A correction of the CRS ticket name is now possible. The participant needs to be marked in the right part of the dialogue (here, Eriksson/Irma Elisabet).

The participant in the PNR, which shall be imported to the DaVinci booking file needs to be marked in the list of PNR participants on the left and can be shifted with the button.

After the import, the participant name from the PNR has been updated as CRS name in the properties of the participant in the booking file.

The participant name in Genesis remains unchanged.

Correction of matching – Segment combination

In case that the flight services in the booking file do not match the segment splitting during the import, it is possible to link – as a fallback – all flight segments from the PNR to one flight service.
In this example, flight booking codes CPH DEL / DEL CPH would be expected for import of the PNR. After click on "Services", the dialogue proposes booking file 1102 where at least the passenger names are matching. In case that there are several possibilities, the first hit is proposed.

If the PNR shall be imported to another booking file, client/booking search can be opened with the button.
In order to add all PNR segments – as proposed - to the flight booking code CPH HEL in booking file 1102, it is necessary to activate "combine services" on the left side of the dialogue, which changes the layout of the PNR service to indicate that all segments will be imported to one flight service in the booking.

The booking number needs to be entered or selected in the booking search field, then press return key to fill the participant details from the respective file.
After „matching PNR PAX", the import can be initiated.

All flight segments are now linked to the selected flight service in the booking file.


In case that tickets were available on the airfile, they have been added to the ticket database for the participants of the respective booking file. Ticket information can be checked in Genesis via Menu/Get booking

With click on „Tickets", the ticket database entry for the respective booking file can be accessed.

Details of each ticket can be checked by marking the ticket entry and click on „Details".