Wijzigingen Allianz Global Assistance

Wijzigingen Allianz Global Assistance


Voor deze verzekeringsmaatschappij zijn nieuwe dekkingsgebieden toegevoegd in Jack. Deze kunnen geselecteerd worden via de pull down menu's


Changes ELV (Allianz Global Assistance):


Now the agency can select between Europe and World:


That should be changed into:


European Union

World (without USA and Canada)

World (with USA and Canada)



For the Cancellation insurance we now have 2 choices:



That should be changed into 3:






Changes in prices:


1) Travel insurance:




Nederland was 0,70 should become 0,80



“Medizinische Versorgung inkl.” when you make it exclusive it was -0,30:



For Nederland that should become  -0,25 (so new price will be 0.80 with and 0,55 without)



European Union

A was 1,40 and should become 0,85

B was 1,90 and should become 1,75

C was 2,40 and should become 2,45


“Medizinische Versorgung inkl.” when you make it exclusive it was -0,30, it should become for all three -0,25


(So A will then be 0,60; B will then be 1,50 and C will then be 2,20)




World (without USA and Canada)

A should become 1,90

B should become 2,65

C should become 3,40


“Medizinische Versorgung inkl.” , when you make it exclusive it is -0,35



World (with USA and Canada)

A should become 2,30

B should become 3,30

C should become 4,40


“Medizinische Versorgung inkl.” , when you make it exclusive it is  -0,50



For all combinations the “Unfälle inkl.” remains the same (old and new). So 0,10



2) Cancellation insurace:


Standaard - remains 5,5% (is actual Allianz Global Ass., I will rename it to Standard)

Volledig - should become 5,6% (is the new one)

Dubbel-Zeker remains 6%




For the new travel insurance combinations, I can image that World (without USA and Canada) and

World (with USA and Canada) do not fit in the pull down.