Wijzigingen Allianz Global Assistance


Voor deze verzekeringsmaatschappij zijn nieuwe dekkingsgebieden toegevoegd in Jack. Deze kunnen geselecteerd worden via de pull down menu's


Changes ELV (Allianz Global Assistance):


Now the agency can select between Europe and World:


That should be changed into:


European Union

World (without USA and Canada)

World (with USA and Canada)



For the Cancellation insurance we now have 2 choices:



That should be changed into 3:






Changes in prices:


1) Travel insurance:




Nederland was 0,70 should become 0,80



“Medizinische Versorgung inkl.” when you make it exclusive it was -0,30:



For Nederland that should become  -0,25 (so new price will be 0.80 with and 0,55 without)



European Union

A was 1,40 and should become 0,85

B was 1,90 and should become 1,75

C was 2,40 and should become 2,45


“Medizinische Versorgung inkl.” when you make it exclusive it was -0,30, it should become for all three -0,25


(So A will then be 0,60; B will then be 1,50 and C will then be 2,20)




World (without USA and Canada)

A should become 1,90

B should become 2,65

C should become 3,40


“Medizinische Versorgung inkl.” , when you make it exclusive it is -0,35



World (with USA and Canada)

A should become 2,30

B should become 3,30

C should become 4,40


“Medizinische Versorgung inkl.” , when you make it exclusive it is  -0,50



For all combinations the “Unfälle inkl.” remains the same (old and new). So 0,10



2) Cancellation insurace:


Standaard - remains 5,5% (is actual Allianz Global Ass., I will rename it to Standard)

Volledig - should become 5,6% (is the new one)

Dubbel-Zeker remains 6%




For the new travel insurance combinations, I can image that World (without USA and Canada) and

World (with USA and Canada) do not fit in the pull down.