BBE - Export Ibank MIS

BBE - Export Ibank MIS

1. Introduction

This manual describes the iBank interface for the backoffice solution Jack from Bewotec.
It exports 7 reports in one export step:

  • Tctrips
  • Tclegs
  • Tccar
  • Tchotel
  • Tcservices
  • Tcaccounts
  • Tcudids

This manual describes how to set up the basic data in Jack, the workflow of booking and invoicing procedures, the export and the specifications.

2. Settings

Jack version

The new iBank-Export (Cornerstone) will be implemented starting with Jack-Version 11.02. Updates to this version are required.
Older Versions of Jack do not provide the module needed.

Client database

To define those clients that are needed for iBank-export open the client database. Go to "Zusatz" and fill field "Frei5" with "IBANK".
Only these clients will be exported.

Airline database

This database has to be filled with two-digit-codes of all airlines sold including BSP-Code.

Supplier database
i. Cars: Name max. 10 characters
ii. Hotel: Code has to be "HOTEL"
iii. Rail: Code should be "RAIL"

Destinations database

3-letter-code database

The 3-letter-code database contains country codes. These codes should provide 2-digit-country-codes as they are requested by LCC headquarter.

Country database
To be filled with two-digit-codes in AMADEUS-standard.

Workflow requirements
i. CRS definitions

To get a 1:1 relation for traveller and her/his travel the PNRs have to be spitted to one traveller per PNR. With this Bewotec's CRS-Transformer and/or –Automator will be able to import one booking per traveller. Set up the CRS options as shown below.
Airline: Use "IATA" oder "BSP" for the supplier code. Check the first field shown below to let the CRS-Transformer write the Airline-2-digit-code into the product type.
Hotel: The basic code for supplier is "HOTEL". The CRS will fill the 2-letter-Chain-code into the producttype.
1 Jack service line is for one room.
manual hotelreservations: a 2-letter-code is needed in the product type. to be defined by LCC

ii. Fees

To get a relation between fees and tickets, the travel agent uses the Fee database.
"Sonstige Beträge" in the booking itself are only booking related and cannot be allocated to a single service line.
iii. Final invoice

To get an invoice number the travel agent has to print a final invoice when the ticket is printed or other services are sold. Performa invoices can not be exportet to iBank.
iv. Traveler

In case that more than one traveller exist in a booking. Prices have to be allocated in the traveller list.

v. Tickets

In case of manually data the ticket number has to be filled in without leading airline code.

vi. Remarks

Remarks in Amadeus can be used to be transfered by the CRS-Transformer to bookings and tickets. This can be done with the following remark line in the PNR
The separator and the code can be changed.
Jack will search the client number and open a new booking to fill in the PNR data.
Find the set up in CRS-options and Remarks.

See additional manual for Remarks for cost center, project number and employee ID.
Export of reason codes for tickets:
Create the code for the remark line need like "PW" or "RC".

vii. BSP reconciliation.

The air charge shown in the reports is gros including markups. Therefor it is mandatory to reconcile the BSP data with the Jack ticket database. With the reconciliation the gros prices are finally written per ticket into the database.
Not reconciled BSP will lead to 0-prices.
Therefor you can choose between exports with or without BSP-reconciliation. In case of not reconciled data the export may show up differences to the real ticketed prices.

3 Starting the export

You start by choosing the menu item >Datei >Dateien >Export >Export iBank (Cornerstone)

The export folder can be found within the Jack-Folder in ..\ei\ibank.
The reports will be written in sub-folders showing the date of export.
You may specify the export to a single client by writing the client number into the field (example shown as 123456).

4 Automatisation – action planner

To achieve scheduled exports the action planner in Jack can be used.
The tool can be started under menu item >Datei >Parameter >Aktionen planen.