X9.03 - Accounting


tmp:Scroll in Search list SP Invoices
tmp:Client Payment
tmp:Client Payment Type
Post Expenses: Date Change deletes Entries
tmp:SP Invoices
tmp:Window title foreign currency
tmp:Warning at double Year Finals
tmp:Cost Centre at summary invoicing
tmp:Rebooking of a Jack Plus booking sets SP Invoice to 0
tmp:Yearly display in SP-Payment History
tmp:Booking on Status „Sub booking"are not available for Bank clearing
tmp:Reminder indicates wrong client
tmp:Extension of Tax Table
tmp:Accounting Export Lunzer & Partner
tmp:Statement Number in Client Payment
tmp:Statement Number in Client Payment
tmp:Online banking Credit Notes
tmp:Report Cost Unit
tmp:Accounting Export Lunzer&Partner
tmp:Jack with Basic Currency CHF
tmp:Preselected Amount from Post Expenses
tmp&L - Reporting by Cost Centre
tmp&L Sample Report

Scroll in Search list SP Invoices

The Mouse scroll function can be used in the search list for Service Provider Invoices.

Menu: < Booking - Service Provider Invoices >
Area: Search List
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044502

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Client Payment

If you change the text for the client payment and afterwards set copies the text had been reset. Error resolved.

Menu: < Booking - Client Payment >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044454

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Client Payment Type

If there is a payment type selected in a booking this payment type will be preselected upon client payment.

Menu: < Booking - Client Payment >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044323

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Post Expenses: Date Change deletes Entries

If you change the text in „post expenses"and afterwards there is a change in posting dates all changes are reset. Error resolved.

Menu: < Accounting - Post Expenses >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044262

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SP Invoices

If you select „post" for a SP Invoice without having changed it a matching Error text will be displayed.

Menu: < Booking - SP Invoices >
Area: Post
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044064

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Window title foreign currency

The Window titles are adjusted according to the menus in foreign currency.

Menu: < Accounting - Foreign Currency >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043975

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Warning at double Year Finals

If a year end procedure is selected for an already posted year a matching error message will appear.

Menu: < Accounting - Closing - Year End Procedure >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043551

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Cost Centre at summary invoicing

In some cases the cost centres in a collective invoice were indicated wrong. Error resolved.

Menu: < Accounting - Booking - summary invoice >
Area: Field < Cost Centre >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043486

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Rebooking of a Jack Plus booking sets SP Invoice to 0

If a booking is rebooked to a new price the SP Payment is set to =, but the History and Postings are still correct. Error resolved.

Menu: < Booking - SP Invoice >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043444

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Yearly display in SP-Payment History

The Window holding the Payment history has been enlarged so from now on the complete Date is visible.

Menu: < Booking - SP Invoicing >
Area: History
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043389

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Booking on Status „Sub booking"are not available for Bank clearing

If a Booking is set to Sub booking it wasn't displayed at Bank clearing. Error resolved.

Menu: < Accounting - Online banking - Bank clearing >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00042838

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Reminder indicates wrong client

If the Checkbox "no print, just display"is flagged not the selected client but the current active client is indicated. Error resolved.

Menu: < Accounting - Reminder >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00042549

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Extension of Tax Table

The actual Tax table has been extended to 20 Entries each per Tax Type.

Menu: < Accounting - Basic Data - Tax Rates >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00041990

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Accounting Export Lunzer & Partner

The Lunzer & Partner export delivered also documents beyond the selected Date frame. Error resolved.

Menu: < Accounting - Import / Export - Diverse Accounting Export - Export Lunzer & Partner >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044579

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Statement Number in Client Payment

With <Settings - Accounting - Client payment> the flag Statement Number can be set but the Booking number was not overwritten with the Statement number. Error resolved.

Menu: < Booking - Client Payment >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044717

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Statement Number in Client Payment

If in client payment the statement number was entered still the Jack Plus booking number was posted. Error resolved.
Set up must be: <Setting - Accounting - Client Payment - Settings> Flag in Entry 14

Menu: < Accounting - Client Payment - Settings >
Area: Statement Number for Payment Type Bank (14)
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044046

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Online banking Credit Notes

If the Booking number is assigned correctly in the online banking mask the payment has not be assigned manually anymore.

Menu: < Accounting - Online banking >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044947

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Report Cost Unit

The Cost Unit Name will be displayed again.

Menu: < Accounting - Reporting - Cost Unit/Overview >
Area: Print
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044147

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Accounting Export Lunzer&Partner

The Export Date framing for a specific date has been corrected.

Menu: < Accounting - Import / Export - Diverse Accounting Export - Export Lunzer & Partner >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044579

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Jack with Basic Currency CHF

The SP Invoice shows the correct booking-Exchange-rate but the conversion was based on the actual date. Error resolved.

Menu: < Booking - SP Invoice >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045215

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Preselected Amount from Post Expenses

If in <Accounting - Journal Entry> a standard posting set with a set amount has been called the amount wasn't carried forward. Error resolved.

Menu: < Accounting - Journal Entry >
Area: Standard posting sets
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045089

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P&L - Reporting by Cost Centre

It's possible to have a P&L Report separated by cost centre

Menu: < Accounting - Reports - P&L, Balance >
Area: Field < cost centre from > / Field < cost centre to >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00029096

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P&L Sample Report

P&L Report can be load and saved from Samples.

Menu: < Accounting - Basic Data - Accounts P&L, Balance Sheet >
Area: Button < Load Sample > / Button < Store Sample >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044420

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