X9.03 - Client Management


tmp:Family Member
tmp:Erledigungen von Terminen einer Terminserie
tmp:Optimise search for Bookings
tmp:Search for Passengers in Bookings
tmp:Change Debtor Number
tmp:Client Selection
tmp:Client Selection
tmp:TAPI Interface
tmp:Sorting of Bookings
tmp:Client Search / Search Booking
tmp:New Field < Gabriel >
tmp:Field < Email Adr. >
tmp:Search Booking by Passenger
tmp:Display error in Client Tasks

Family Member

After entering new Names to the TAB Family/Passport and using the TAB-Key the Field „Salutation" was not fulfilled with the new Name but cryptic figures appeared. Error resolved.

Menu: < Client - Add Private... >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044370

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Solve Tasks from a Task List

If an individual Task is deleted or flagged solved from a Task-Series, the entire series has been deleted or flagged solved. Error resolved.

Menu: < List - Task List >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043268

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Optimise search for Bookings

If you are searching for a specific booking with a client that hold some hundred bookings double click will now shorten the search.

Menu: < Client Search >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00033663

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Search for Passengers in Bookings

Some passengers were not found with this function. Error resolved.

Menu: < Booking - Search Booking >
Area: Field < Passenger >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044126

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Change Debtor Number

In case of a manual override of the Debtor Number Errors occurred, if the Debtor number is changed to an existing number an error message will appear.

Menu: < Clients - Change >
Area: Field < Debtor number >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043998

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Client Selection

The Field < Misc. 5 > is now possible to export.

Menu: < Client - Selection >
Area: TAB < Settings > / List < Field for Data Export >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044551

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Client Selection

Due to long processing times with large data bases a speed improvement has been implemented.

Menu: < Client - Selection >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044659

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TAPI Interface

Upon an incoming client call the Fee-Mask will not be displayed anymore.

Menu: -
Area: TAPI Interface / Phone suite
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045076

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Sorting of Bookings

If you call up a client from the client search and switch to booking search, the sorting will now start decreasing (last booking to top).

Menu: < Clients - Search >
Area: Search Booking
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044284

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Client Search / Search Booking

With client / booking search it is now possible for an independent search for characters or character groups.

Menu: < Clients - Search >
Area: Field < Character > / Field < Character Group >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00042920

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New Field < Gabriel >

At Add/Change of a client Type „Agency"a new field < Gabriel > has been added.

Menu: < Client - Add Agency >
Area: Button < Agency > - Field < Gabriel >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044049

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Field < Email Adr. >

The Domain Ending of the Email may now consist of more than 3 figures (e.g. .travel)

Menu: < Client - Change >
Area: Field < Email Adr. >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045311

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Search Booking by Passenger

A double click to a booking after the Search of a booking by passenger, while the list still was raised, didn't open the selected booking but the first booking on the list. Error resolved.

Menu: < Client - Search >
Area: Search Booking
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045629

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Display error in Client Tasks

The German Version had a spelling error. Error resolved.

Menu: < Client - Add/Change >
Area: < Tasks >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045724

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