X9.03 - Statistic

X9.03 - Statistic


tmp:Enhanced Statistic
tmp:Enhanced Statistic - Passenger Count
tmp:Enhanced Statistic
tmp:Enhanced Statistic - Sales Region

Enhanced Statistic

During a closer display on Y-Axis by Week-Booking date all values are set to the correct calendar week.

Menu: < Statistic - Enhanced Statistic >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043340

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Enhanced Statistic - Passenger Count

The enhanced Statistic will now display all passengers correctly.

Menu: < Statistic - Enhanced Statistic >
Area: List
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00041188

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Enhanced Statistic

In some cases the booked nights were not calculated correctly. Error resolved.

Menu: < Statistic - Enhanced Statistic >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044008

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Enhanced Statistic - Sales Region

In some cases the values per sales region were not calculated correctly. Error resolved.

Menu: < Statistic - Enhanced Statistic >
Area: Displaying Reports
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044973

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