X9.03 - CRS

X9.03 - CRS


tmp:Collection Type with CRS Updates
tmp:Galileo Refund, Tax
tmp:Galileo Hotel Import
VERK-Data Import: Automatic Cash Payment
tmp:Import VERK
tmp:Verk Data Import - Shut Down
tmp:Amadeus Airline Service Fees
tmp:Ticket Assignment to Multi Reservations
tmp:Booking import by Jack Plus CRS
tmp:Booking Update
tmp:Import of MCO
tmp:KLM Fee Import
tmp:KLM Fee
tmp:One Way Flights
tmp:Data Import from JackCRS to Jack
tmp:Rail Segment on Rail-Refunds via Amadeus
tmp:Data Import IRIS Plus
tmp:Import Credit Card Data
tmp:BBI Interface - generate Bookings
tmp:BBI-Interface - Import Client Address
tmp:Automatic Import of Hotel Information with BBI Interface and Hotel Module
tmp:Gabriel Interface
tmp:Gabriel - Statistic Fields

Collection Type with CRS Updates

Upon updating a Service the collection type of this service will not be changed.

Menu: < File - CRS >
Area: < Booking - Booking >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044817

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Galileo Refund, Tax

Refunds with plenty Tax Amounts are not calculated correctly. Fares were not correctly forwarded to JACK. Error resolved.

Menu: CRS
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043216

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Galileo Hotel Import

Galileo Hotel import has been improved: Address data of the Hotel are now imported to the new appropriate fields from the Hotel Mask.

Menu: < File - CRS - Galileo >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00036757

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VERK-Data Import: Automatic Cash Payment

If VERK CRS-Options are holding no payment type for cash payment, no automatic payment will be generated for sales checks.

Menu: < File - CRS-Options - VERK >
Area: Field < Payment Type >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043759

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Import VERK

In some cases Jack Plus shut down while importing VERK data. Error resolved.

Menu: -
Area: Import VERK Data
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044312

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Verk Data Import - Shut Down

In some cases Jack Plus shut down while importing VERK data. Error resolved.

Menu: -
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045488

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Amadeus Airline Service Fees

The Import for Amadeus Airline Service Fees has been adjusted.

Menu: -
Area: CRS Transformer
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043401

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Ticket Assignment to Multi Reservations

The CRS - Automater can assign Tickets to matching file keys in several bookings and passengers, if:

  • CRS - Options a Flag is set for "For every AIR a separate AMA-Data is generated"
  • The crs.ini has the following entry: Allgemeines TeilnFix=yes
  • Each passenger holds an individual booking

Menu: File - CRS-Options - Amadeus
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043805

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Booking import by Jack Plus CRS

During the automated Jack Plus-Import is now checked whether the imported Airob-ID is available to a Jack Booking with a different FolderID. If yes, the XML is NOT imported but written to an Error Folder (Name error, Sub-Folder to the Jack Plus-CRS-Folder).

Menu: -
Area: CRS Import
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044490

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Booking Update

The Booking Update via the Automater is back to business.

Menu: -
Area: Automater
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044590

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Import of MCO

Upon Import of a PNR with 2 MCOs both MCOs are imported.

Menu: -
Area: CRS - Transformer
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044727

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KLM Fee Import

In same cases upon importing KLM Fees the transformer didn't import Fees. Error resolved.

Menu: -
Area: CRS Transformer
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044316

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If a booIn some cased an error occurred upon importing ticket fees. Error resolved.

Menu: -
Area: CRS-Transformer
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044779

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One Way Flights

One-way-Flights will be imported even if only one flight segment exists.

Menu: < File - CRS >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00029365

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Data Import from JackCRS to Jack

The following data are imported if the start.ini holds the following entries:

  • Flight info (Times, Flight number) for outbound/inbound flight for NEC if VeranFlug NEC=14
  • Flight info for ETI if VeranFlug ETI=13

If a reservation is split into different Service segments (Air, Hotel, Insurance) the price texts can be defined in start.ini: PreistextListe Flug=Flugpreis Hotel=Hotelpreis Versicherung=Versicherungspreis
If no definition is set the standard price text from CRS-Options will be drawn, if CRS-Option holds no description the Price text "Reisepauschalpreis" will be used.
Upon importing a package and if flight data are available, the Airline Name is searched by Airline Code from Airline-basic Data and written to the field "Transportation".

Menu: < File - CRS - Jack Plus >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044771

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Rail Segment on Rail-Refunds via Amadeus

Upon refund Amadeus does not deliver rail segments. These are now read from the original Rail-ticket and copied to the refund service line.

Menu: < File - CRS - Amadeus >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00038324

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Data Import IRIS Plus

In some cases the IRIS Plus import caused errors at decimal places. Error resolved.

Menu: < File - CRS >
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00038228

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Import Credit Card Data

Credit Card information can be imported from Remarks if the following format is given:

  • Short Cut to CRS - Remarks, Client Credit Card, Field Credit Card Info's (e.g. CC)
  • CC - Data have to be entered directly behind the 2-letter CC-Company-Code followed by "/" (slash) and validity MMYY (e.g. RM*CCAX5234003498675944/1012 )
  • The field separator cannot be "/" (slash)! You may use "*" or "#"as a separator.

Menu: -
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045389

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If a Client Number is delivered via the BBI - Interface it will be checked whether the client already exists in Jack Plus. If no match is found with this client number a new client is entered.

Menu: -
Area: BBI Interface
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043292

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BBI Interface - generate Bookings

If the BBI - File holds no booking number but a client number of an existing Jack Plus Client, the automater will generate a new booking automatically.

Menu: -
Area: BBI Interface
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00045376

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BBI-Interface - Import Client Address

Client Data holding no data in Field < Code 1 > are now able to be imported to Jack Plus. If a flag is set to <Files - CRS-Options - BBI> Field "If field Code 1 is empty..." the Automater will go the following routine upon a BBI Import:

  • Code 1 with data yes/no
  • If no, search for client by Email-Address
  • If no Email-Address found, search for Surname, Name and Postcode
  • If client is found, add client to data base

All reservation data from the BBI Import will be added to the appropriate client.

Menu: < File - CRS - Options >
Area: Button < BBI >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00026623

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Automatic Import of Hotel Information with BBI Interface and Hotel Module

If instead of the Hotel Name the Hotel Code from the Hotel Basic Data is send in (HOTEL=...) all Hotel Data will be drawn from Hotel Module and entered to the Hotel mask.

Menu: -
Area: -
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00043228

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Gabriel Interface

A Gabriel Data Interface is available.

Menu: < File - CRS >
Area: Gabriel
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00041131

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Gabriel - Statistic Fields

Statistic Information's from CRS - Options in <Type of Travel> and <Destination> are now drawn to the booking

Menu: < File - CRS-Options >
Area: Button < Gabriel >
Internal Ticket Number: BEDEV00044131

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