Handling Fee Setup

Handling Fee Setup

Handling Fee
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2 Genesis


The handling fee charts are crated in system settings, conditions, handling fee.

The Handling Fee can be created depending on the statistic codes nad/or on special requirements.

The product type search is the prodcut type of the service for what the Handling Fee is for. The product type fee is the product type of the Handling Fee price line. Then the price can be set up as an absolute amount or an percentuage amount. In this case the price is absolute 20 CHF.

Additionally there is the possibility to set a validity on the Handling Fee depending on Booking date and /or departure date.
The handling fee charts must now be assigned to an agency.

If the Handling Fee should not be valid for specific booking codes or requirements it is possible to collect them in th list below the Handlung Fee box.


Booking with the product type search for the Handling Fee filled
Make a booking request for the agency 90001 for a product with product type carshop:

In booking properties you can see the details of the Handling Fee:

The print in Leistrow logic is as follows:

The system checks if a booking code within the booking contains a price. In case a price is found the parameters withing the handling fee set up are checked. In case it is a hit the handling fee gets the same print in Leistrow as the accordant service