Lesson 6 - Linking Physical Legs

Lesson 6 - Linking Physical Legs

In this lesson, you will learn how to:

  • Link a Physical Leg to a Sales Flight
  • Link the Physical Legs to Departure Dates

Link the Physical Legs to the Sales Flight

The Sales Flight Stockholm to Rhodes (ARN RHO) has two Physical Legs:
Route 1: ARN CPH and CPH RHO
Stockholm to Copenhagen and Copenhagen to Rhodes
Route 2: ARN OSL and OSL RHO
Stockholm to Oslo and Oslo to Rhodes
These Physical Legs can now be linked to the Sales Flight.
The following booking codes and service types have been created:
Sales Flight booking code: ARN RHO
Service types for ARN RHO02Y, 02C, 03Y, 03C

Physical leg booking codes: Routing 1: ARN CPH/NV and CPH RHO/NV
Routing 2: ARN OSL/NV and OSL RHO/NV
Service types for ARN CPH/CPH RHO 02Y and 02C
Service types for ARN OSL /OSL RHO03Y and 03C



A physical leg can only be assigned to a sales flight booking code. A physical leg cannot be linked to another physical leg.



Step-by-Step: Link a Leg to a Sales Flight
To assign the first Physical Leg, (Route 1), to the ARN RHO Flight Sales booking code:

  1. Select the ARN RHO Sales Flight booking code.
  2. Select the Flights tab.

Ensure the Physical Legs tab is selected.

  1. Select New.

The Define Physical Leg screen is displayed:
The Leg Identifier identifies the Physical leg of a flight. An integer between 1 and 9999 must be entered.

  1. Enter 1 in the Leg Identifier field.
  2. Select ARN CPN in the Booking Code field.
  3. Enter 0 in the Diff field.
  4. Tab to the next row.
  5. Select CPH RHO in the Booking Code field.
  6. Enter 0 in the Diff field.

If a Physical leg is selected which does not correspond with the Sales Booking Code the following warning will appear.





The Diff field is used to indicate a date change between each physical leg.

If 0 is entered in the Diff field, the physical legs, (Stockholm to Copenhagen, Copenhagen to Rhodes) take place within the same day. If a stopover is required the Diff field is used to indicate this, for example:
Diff = +1



Leg identifier 1, refers to the Route 1, Stockholm to Copenhagen, Copenhagen to Rhodes.

  1. Select Apply data

This route is now stored in the Sales booking code.

The second route can be entered.The first leg is now stored with the Sales Flight Booking Code.

To assign the second Physical Leg, (Route 2), to the ARN RHO Flight Sales booking code:

  1. Enter 2 in the Leg Identifier field.
  2. Select ARN OSL in the Booking Code field.
  3. Enter 0 in the Diff field.
  4. Tab to the next row.
  5. Select OSL RHO in the Booking Code field.
  6. Enter 0 in the Diff field.
  7. Click OK.

Leg identifier 2, refers to the Route 2, Stockholm to Oslo, Oslo to Rhodes.
Route 1 and Route 2 are now assigned to the Flight Sales Booking Code.




Outbound Flights

The Sales Flight Stockholm to Rhodes (ARN RHO) the first physical leg must start at Stockholm (ARN). The last physical leg must end at Rhodes (RHO).

Inbound Flights

The Sales Flight Rhodes to Stockholm (RHO ARN) the first physical leg must start at Rhodes (RHO). The last physical leg must end at Stockholm (ARN).





The physical legs of a sales flight booking cannot be changed if bookings already exist.



Link the Legs to Departure Dates

  • Discussion

In order to book the Stockholm to Rhodes Flight we must link the physical legs to departure dates. Several options are available:

  • Single Departure Date: Link a leg to a specific departure date.
  • Multiple Departure Dates: Link a leg to a number of departure dates.
  • All Departure Dates: Link a leg to all departure dates.

Single Departure Date
To link a leg to a specific departure date:

  1. Select the ARN RHO Flight booking code.
  2. Select the Flights tab.
  3. Select the Departure Dates tab.

To link the Stockholm to Oslo, Oslo to Rhodes leg to the departure date Wednesday 3rd November 2012.

  1. Click in the Leg identifier field of the 03.11.2012 row.
  2. Select ARN OSL, OSL RHO in the Leg Identifier field.
  3. Enter 03 in the Chain Code field.



See the section Assign a Flight Service Type for more details on Chain Codes.



Multiple Departure Dates
To link a leg to a range of departure dates:

  1. Select the ARN RHO Flight booking code.
  2. Select the Flights tab.
  3. Select the Departure Dates tab.
  4. Select the Departure Dates from 05.11.2012 to 12.11.2012

  1. Select the Assign Physical Legs button.

The Assignment of Physical Legs to terms screen is displayed.
The departure dates 05.11.2012 to 12.11.2012 have been selected, if you wish to assign the legs to all departure dates within this range it is also necessary to check the days of the week also.

  1. Select Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
  2. Select ARN CPH, CPH RHO in the first row of the Leg Identifier field.
  3. Enter 02 in the Chain Code field.
  4. Select ARN OSL, OSL RHO in the next row of the Leg Identifier field.
  5. Enter 03 in the Chain Code field.
  6. Select OK.

The ARN CPH, CPH RHO leg and the ARN OSL, OSL RHO leg have been assigned to the selected departure dates.



As both routes are available on the same departure date the departure date row is duplicated to show both legs.



All Departure Dates
To link a leg to all departure dates:

  1. Select the ARN RHO Flight booking code.
  2. Select the Flights tab.
  3. Select the Departure Dates tab.
  4. Click the top left hand side of the grid to highlight every row.

Click the top left hand side of the grid to highlight every row.

  1. Select Assign Physical Legs.
  2. Select Monday, Wednesday, Friday.
  3. Select ARN CPH, CPH RHO in the first row of the Leg Identifier field.
  4. Enter 02 in the Chain Code field.
  5. Select OK.