Genesis Booking Mask

Software Training Courses

Introduction to Genesis


Lesson 1 – Navigation
The Top Line
Command Definitions
Top Line Field Definitions
The Service Line
The Passenger Line
Address and Task Line
Lesson 2 – Create a Booking Request
Create a Booking Request
Create a Booking
Clear the Booking Mast
Lesson 3 – Modify an Existing Booking
Display a Booking
Add a Service to a Booking
Amend a Service Date in a Booking
Amend Passenger Details
Amend a Package
Lesson 4 – Booking Details
General Booking Information
Compare an Amended Booking
Booking Notes - Customers Invoice
Booking Notes - Internal
Lesson 5 – Cancel a Booking
Cancel a Booking
Cancel a Booking – Incurring a Fee
Cancel a Booking – Without Incurring a Fee
Partial Cancellation
Reinstate a Cancelled Booking
Copy a Booking
Lesson 6 --Service Details
Display Service Level Details
Service Level Customer Requests
Passenger Level Customer Requests
Lesson 6 – Package Booking Procedure
Create a Package Booking

This training guide is an introduction to Genesis.