Lesson 3 - Modify an Existing Booking

Lesson 3 - Modify an Existing Booking

In this lesson you will learn how to:

  • Display a booking
  • Add a service to a booking
  • Amend a service date
  • Amend passenger details
  • Amend a package

Display a Booking

The last booking can be displayed or a particular booking reference and sequence number can be displayed: To display an existing booking:

  • Step-by-Step: Display a Booking

To display the last booking entered into Genesis:

  1. Enter D in the Command field.
  2. Press Enter to display the last booking entered onto the system

To retrieve a specific booking:

  1. Tab to the Booking Reference field and enter the required reference number (and sequence number if required)




It is sufficient to enter a booking reference only, the most recent or 'active' sequence will be displayed automatically. Older sequences are stored for historic reasons only.



  1. Press Enter.

Booking Reference

Add a Service to a Booking

  • Discussion

A service can be added to a booking at a later date. A new sequence number will be generated when a new service is added.
Dr Erikkson would like to amend his booking. He would like to add an excursion for himself and his wife.

  • Step-by-Step: Add a Service

Display Dr Erikkson's booking:

  1. Enter D in the Command field.
  2. Press Enter.
  3. Enter the details of the excursion (excursion booking code), in the Service Line.

In this example an excursion is added to an existing booking.
An excursion is added to the booking
To change the booking either U or UQ is entered:

  1. Enter U in the Command line.
  2. Press Enter




U is entered to confirm the booking amendment if the State of the service is OK.

UQ is entered to confirm the booking amendment if the status of the service is RQ on request.

U actions are used to modify both a Quotation and a Booking.



A new sequence number will be created. The original booking and any amendments can be accessed by scrolling through the sequences.
Scroll through the sequence numbers to access amended versions of the booking..

Amend a Service Date in a Booking

  • Discussion

A booking can be amended. A new sequence number will be generated when an amendment is made.
Dr Erikkson would like to make a further amendment to his booking. He would like to change the date of his excursion from the 25th May to the 27th May.

  • Step-by-Step: Amend a Service Date

To amend a date:

  1. Display the required booking.
  2. Select the Service to be amended.
  3. Right Click and select Change Selection.

The Select Service/Package screen is displayed. To change the date of Dr Erikkson's excursion from the 25th to the 27th May:

  1. Select from the Travel Period field. The dropdown can be used to select from a valid period when selecting flights, roundtrips etc.




The Travel Period drop down will be automatically populated with valid travel dates, if during the master data setup dates for excursions, packages etc were setup.

For example a particular excursion may be available on a Monday and Thursday only, the dates available would reflect this.



  1. Enter 27052012 in the From field.
  2. Press Tab.
  3. Select OK.

  1. Select Edit.

To enter the change request:

  1. Enter UA in the Command field.
  2. Press Enter.

  1. Enter U to confirm the change.
  2. Press Enter.

The booking will now have a new booking sequence number.

Amend Passenger Details

  • Discussion

It is possible to change passenger details, for example title, name or age.

  • Step-by-Step: Amend a Passenger Name

To amend a passenger's name:

  1. Display the required booking.
  2. Overtype the Name.
  3. Select UA.
  4. Select U or UQ.
  5. Select Enter.

Amend a Package

  • Discussion

When making amendments to a package, ensure the service line of the package, (requirement P) is selected.
Select the Package service line.
The Smiths have booked a package holiday on the 15th April 2012 at the Blue Horizon Garden Resort. They are unable to travel on that date and would like to change their booking. The Smiths would like to travel on the 6th May. We have received notification from the Blue Horizon Garden Resort that they will not accept any bookings for the first two weeks in May consequently it will be necessary to change the Smith's hotel. They would like to stay in the Maca Bana.

  • Step-by-Step: Amend a Package

In this example the package date and the hotel selected within the package will be changed:

  1. Display the required booking code.
  2. Select the P Requirement service line.
  3. Right Click and select Change Selection.

  1. Select 06.05.2012 from the Travel Period drop down.

The Smiths would like to stay in the Maca Bana Villa.

  1. Select the Maca Bana Villa.
  2. Select the Room Type.

Select the required hotel and the room type.

  1. Select Edit.
  2. Enter UA in the command line.
  3. Select Enter.
  4. Enter U or UQ in the command line.
  5. Select Enter.



There are a variety of search options available within Genesis, for example:

Service Search
Transport List
Package Finder