

01/2008 KA



This document describes the setup/configuration and the functionality of the report store. With the report store it is possible to archive all prints and to reprint it from report store. The reports will be archived in rpt format.

System Settings


For activating the report store you need to fill the following parameter in the system settings (AWGL) section "Archiving":

  • Report-Store benutzen: flag for activating the report store
  • Server: IP-Address or name of the server where the Reportstore-DB is


  • Database: name of the Reportstore-DB
  • Username: username for the Reportstore-DB
  • Password: password for the Reportstore-DB
  • Logfile für jeden Reportaufruf

erstellen: flag for creation of log files for printing

  • Verzeichnis für die Logfiles: directory where the log files will be saved

Report Assignment

Example for the settings in the report assignment:


Settings for the report store:

    • Archiv: selection if report should be archived, printed or both
    • Archivtype: setting where the report should be archived

Every Report which should be archived in the report store must be adapted at Bewotec.

Reportstore Browser Setting

Konfiguration->Ausgabe->Report-Store Browser: