Basic Price depending on total amount of booking

Basic Price depending on total amount of booking

Booking related price rules

In order to steer the price depending on the amount of a booking file different price rules need to be set up:
Price rule for Total Amount 0 – 3.000 €:

Booking price till 2999 means all bookings with a total amount of 2.999 € INCLUSIVE!

The next price rule needs to have exactly the same amount as From price which means 2.999 EXCLUSIVE:
Price rule for Total Amount 0 – 3.000 €:

In the price line it then is possible to set up two different basic prices on base of the different price rules:

To ensure that the price rule is checked it is necessary that the total amount of the booking file is calculated on beforehand. Therefore it is necessary to activate "Calculate price on end" on Options 1 in the booking code.

Price calculation in Genesis

For all booking files with a total amount until 2.999 € inclusive the 1st basic price is taken.

When reaching the next range the total amount of more than 2.999 € is checked and the 2nd basic price is taken