

04/2003 EH


1 Discounts/Supplements
1.1 Discounts on unit level
1.2 Discount second unit
1.3 Discount for specific unit
1.4 Duration discount
1.5 Child discounts
1.6 Children in own room
1.7 Discount combinations
1.8 Other


Amendments are needed for the reduction types below:
Expand the description field (preisregelbeschreibung) in the rule and show it as popup in the list, if arrow is on it.

First tab of pricerules with a multilingual description field:

Discounts on unit level

Requirement ANWB
DaVinci calculates discounts on passenger level. ANWB Reizen will have discounts on unit level with passenger related restrictions.
55+ discount 10% on unit price.
This discount will be given as soon as one of the passengers is 55 years or older.
Lets assume the price of a unit is € 1000. The unit will be occupied by 4 persons from which one has the age 57. Currently DaVinci will calculate a discount of € 25 (10% of the costs for one passenger - € 250 -). It should have been a discount of € 100 (10% of the unit costs)
Solution DaVinci
The above functionality is already present in DaVinci for discounts in absolute amounts. However, it is not for percentage discounts. To make this possible the discount types will be changed. At this moment a percentage discount is always relative to a passenger. This type will be renamed to Teilnehmer / Prozent. The following types will be added:
Buchung / Prozent - if the rule is valid for one passenger, the entire booking will be discounted with a specific percentage
Anzahl / Prozent - if the rule is valid for one passenger, the reduction given will be over the amount for the entire unit this passenger is in


  1. A booking with 4 passengers (of which one is 55+), 2 rooms. The 55+ rule is defined and put in the price with type Anzahl/Percent, 10%. The price of the rooms is €50,- per person per night. The price for the room with the 55+ passenger in it will be €90,- per night (2 * 50 / 10%), the price for the other room will be €100 per night
  2. There is a participant related rule on a participant code. The discount is set with this rule for 5% with type Buchung/Prozent. The rule will fire on the participant with the participant code, but the discount will be 5% of the entire booking amount.

The discount types that already exist are:
Teilnehmer/nachte- reduction of amount x per participant per night
Teilnehmer/absolut- reduction of amount x per participant
Teilnehmer/einheit- reduction of amount x per [unit per] participant
Anzahl / nachte - reduction of amount x per unit per night
Anzahl / absolut- reduction of amount x per unit
Anzahl / einheit - reduction of amount x per unit?
Buchung/nachte- reduction of amount x per booking per night
Buchung/absolut- reduction of amount x per booking
Buchung/einheit- reduction of amount x per [unit per] booking

Discount second unit

Requirement ANWB
It is not possible to have a discount for the second, third, etc unit within the accommodation.
ANWB Reizen will have discounts like second bungalow 50% discount.
Solution DaVinci
Introduction of restriction on the number of units within discount rule. The rule will fire if the room is within the restriction entered in the rule. If the flag einmalig pro buchung is checked the discount will be given only once per booking and will always be assigned to the cheapest unit. If the flag is not set, every unit within the range will receive the discount (starting with the cheapest unit). All units within a booking code will be checked. It is not necessary that each of the units is of the same type. If a booking code is booked in two service lines in a booking, GenVas will cumulate both (all) servicelines and then check the validity of the rule.

All units in the range from 'von' till 'bis' will be checked. The field anzahl leistung can be used to set the total number of units that must be booked. (check 1 till 3 from in total 6). In addition a field will be introduced labelled 'jede'; with this field it is possible to set which fields will receive the discount. So von 1 bis 6 jede 2 means that from units one till six every second unit will receive the discount.
Example matrix

Booked rooms












Discount definition















Number of rooms that will get the discount










































































































Discount for specific unit

Requirement ANWB
Discount for a specific unit can only be stored by linking the discount to the specific unit. This means that the discount need to be stored at the lowest level. (eg: per price season). ANWB Reizen needs to be able to store these discounts on a higher level.
Solution DaVinci
Introduction of 'code-chart' restriction in discount rule. Discount will only be given if booked unit meets the 'code-chart' restriction.

Behind the code 2-persoonskamer is a code 2PK. The rule is assigned to a price and fires, if this code will be used. The rules gives e.g. a 5% discount per unit and is named 2PK.

E.g.: Book a servicetype 2PK in Genesis

Rule fires on entry 2PK.

Duration discount

Requirement ANWB
Duration related discounts are supported by DaVinci. The discount will always be given for the last nights. Often there is an agreement with the supplier that discount will be given based on the cheapest nights.
Solution DaVinci
A calculation method will be introduced in the rules chart using a drop down box. Possible values for this field are: First nights, Last nights, Cheapest nights, Most expensive nights, Average price.

If a price is calculated for 14 days and this rule is set on 3 days free, there are 5 possibilities to reduce total:
Last days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7 days à 90
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) =1330 – (3*90) = 1060
First days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7 days à 90
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) =1330 – (3*100) = 1030
Cheapest days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7days à 90 and 3.week 7 days à 100
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) + (7*100 = 700) = 2030 – (3*90) = 1760

Most expensive days:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7days à 90 and 3.week 7 days à 100
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) + (7*100 = 700) = 2030 – (3*100) = 1730
Average price:
1.week: 7 days à 100 and 2.week: 7days à 90 and 3.week 7 days à 100
(7*100 = 700) + (7*90=630) + (7*100 = 700) = 2030 – (3*96,70) = 1739,90

Child discounts

Child discounts are supported by DaVinci, but it is very complex to store them, especially when multiple occupancies are valid with different child discounts.
In the price rules an additional field 'minimum full paying passengers' will be introduced. The participant age related rules only apply when the minimum amount of full paying passengers has been reached for the unit for which the discounts are calculated.

In the bove example the child reduction for a child from 5 till 9 years of age will only apply when at least 2 passengers in the unit are paying the full price.

  1. In one party are 3 children (between 5 and 9) and 3 adults, sharing a unit. All three children will receive a discount as the requirement for minimum 2 full paying passengers has been reached.
  2. In one party are 3 children (between 5 and 9) and 1 adults, sharing a unit. Two of the three children will receive a discount as the requirement for minimum 2 full paying passengers has not been reached by the adult alone. The two children that receive the discount are the children that get the highest discount (if all discounts are equal, the last two children will receive the discount)
  3. A second rule has been defined with an age between 2 and 5 and a minimum full paying passengers of 2. In one party there are three children. One aged between 2 and 5, 2 between 5 and 9. There are two adults in the party. All children are eligible for their discounts as there are two full paying passengers.
  4. Same situation as in 3, but with only one adult. Assuming the 2-4 discount has a higher priority the youngest child and one of children aged 5-9 will receive a discount. One of the children aged between 5 and 9 will NOT receive the discount to fulfil the need for 2 full paying passengers.
  5. Same situation as in 4 but the rule of 2-5 has a minimum number of full paying passengers of 1. Now there is a conflict between the rules for the children aged 2-5 and the children aged 5 – 9. According to one rule the minimum full paying passengers is 1, according to the other it is 2. In this case the highest minimum number of full paying passengers (2) will be used in this case. The same children will receive a discount as in the example no. 4.

Children in own room

Requirement ANWB
It is not possible to defined child discounts for children that occupy their own room.
Eg: At least 2 rooms have been booked, from which one is occupied by at least the number of 'full paying passenger', and the other is occupied only by children.
Solution DaVinci
A flag will be introduced in the rules to indicate that the rule is a 'children in own room' rule. If this flag is set the discount applies only on rooms that are fully occupied by children. The rule will only fire for those children that meet the requirements of the age (if specified – if no ages are specified the rule applies to all children (title = K)). Also; if the minimum number of full paying passengers is set GenVas will check if this requirement is met in the booking (the minimum number of full paying passengers normally applies to the unit).
The 'alleinbelegung kinder'-check should be replaced with a check for 'rule only valid when valid for all participants in the room'. However, this is maybe difficult to check within GenVas, especially with the pricelayers and regelgruppen.


  1. Party of 4, 2 adults, 2 children. Rule is created for children in their own room, with a minimum number of paying passengers of 2, to receive a discount of 50%. The children will share a room. The rule will fire because the room is fully occupied by children, and there are 2 full paying passengers in the other room.
  2. Same as 1, but with 1 adult and 2 children. The rule is the same. In this case the children will not receive the children in own room discount as the requirement for 2 full paying passengers is not met. They may receive other child discounts if they are specified.
  3. Two children in their own room discounts have been set. One for ages 4-8 and one for ages 9-14, minimum full paying passengers is 2 for both rules. Party of 4 with 2 children, one of 5 and one 10 years old sharing the room. Each gets the discount associated with their rule.
  4. One 'children in their own room' discount has been set for children aged 4-12, minimum full paying passengers is 2. Party of 4 with 2 children, one of 8 and one 14 years old sharing the room. Even though there is no children in their own room discount for the age of 14, still the rule must apply for the 8 year old as the room is fully occupied by children!

We're afraid that this is really not the case we meant. The rule should not fire, a 'children in their own room' discount only fires if for ALL the participants of the room a 'children in their own room' discount is defined. In this case there is no 'children in own room' discount defined for the 14 year old participant. (Note: It could be that also a normal 'child discount' rule has been defined for children with the age of 4 to 12 with minimum full paying passengers set to 1, in which case that rule will fire.)

Discount combinations

By using the pricelayers it is possible to combine discounts. (eg: 4=3 and child discount)
A discount is always calculated using the basic prices and the discounts that have already been calculated.
It is not possible to exclude discounts from being calculated in combination with another discount.
A 55+ discount (10%) as well as a young family discount (15%) has been defined.
Both discount are defined to be a discount on unit level.
When grandmother and grandfather are going on holiday with their grandchildren, both discounts are valid, but only the highest may be given. In this case the Young family discount.

Introduction of discount group in discount rule.
A discount is only valid as long as no other discount within the same group has been given.
Note that the discount can be on unit level as well as passenger level. When on unit level, no discount within the same group/unit may be given. When on passenger level, no discount within the same group/passenger may be given.

If an assigned rule has a group default the column group will be filled automatically, but it is possible to select an other defined group.

Genvas must compare all related rules in one group and shall take the rule with the highest discount and ignore the other rules. While finding two rules in the same group with exactly the same discount Genvas shall take only one of them.

define Regelgruppen:


Requirement ANWB
It is possible to store a valid from-to bookingdate, but is is not possible to store a valid from-to period. (number of days prior to travel date).
Example: This rule should fire only 10-20 day before arrival.
Solution DaVinci
An additional flag will be created in the definition of discount and additional charges that makes it possible to enter a number of days relative to departure in the buchung von and buchung bis date fields. If the flag Dauer is set the columns change from datefield to numeric field.

For a discount that is valid from 28 days before departure till 7 days before departure the discount would be entered as:
Buchung von = 28, buchung bis = 7, dauer = checked