Booking Independent Services (Kostenumlage)

Booking Independent Services (Kostenumlage)

1. Price Basic Data
1.1. New dialog for Booking Independent Services
1.1.1. Overhead cost definition
1.1.2. Enhancements overhead cost definition
1.1.3. Validation on deleting overhead cost definitions
2. Booking Process with Booking Independent Services
2.1. Before distribution
2.1.1. Booking/Rebooking/Cancellation
2.2. After distribution
2.2.1. Booking
2.2.2. Cancellation
2.2.3. Rebooking
3. Distribution of Prices for Booking independent Services
3.1. New Dialog for Distribution of Overhead Costs
3.1.1. Split Factor
3.1.2. Rounding
3.1.3. Update of multiple booking independent services
3.2. Co-existence of pax-related costs and overhead costs

Price Basic Data

New dialog for Booking Independent Services

A new section "Overhead cost distribution" (= "Kostenumlage") is now available where the user can enter, edit or remove items for Booking independent services.

Overhead cost definition

In this section, overhead cost definitions (Gemeinkostendefinitionen) can be created.

Following parameters can be defined for an overhead cost definition:
Booking Code (Buchungscode): Selection of the booking independent service from the catalogue tree structure (mandatory)
Travel ID (Reise ID): The Travel ID which was stored on the period tab of the package, in order to be kept on the properties of each single service booked within this package period, can be entered here
Valid from (Gültig von): Start date of the period for which the overhead cost is defined can be entered here
Valid to (Gültig bis): End date of the period for which the overhead cost is defined can be entered here
Price template (Preisvorlage):* The price template which is used to fill product type in the price lines needs to be linked in here (mandatory)
Price (Preis): The overhead cost amount for distribution needs to be entered here (mandatory)

  • The price template can be set up via Travels – Service/Price profil

    In the lower part of the frame, a new price profile can be created by right mouse click on the folder – New

    Enhancements overhead cost definition

In case that a user wants to create multiple overhead cost definitions using similar parameters, the current entry can be stored with button "Apply (Neu Einfügen)" and the dialog remains opened for definition of a new entry.

Additionally, it is possible to use an existing overhead cost definition as base for a copy.
With right mouse click on the entry – New as copy (Neue als kopie) – the entry dialogue is opened an can be amended for a new overhead cost definition.

Validation on deleting overhead cost definitions

In case that a user wants to delete an existing overhead cost definition, a new validation has been implemented in order to avoid human error.
As overhead cost definition and booking files, where overhead costs have already been distributed to are independent of each other, it is now not possible to delete an overhead cost definition with a price > 0,00 the validation fires.

Before deleting, the user now needs to edit the amount to 0,00.

When the user wants to store the change, a pop up appears informing about the effects of a change in an overhead cost distribution and needed actions by the user. If the user accepts the information, the change is stored.

Afterwards, it is possible to delete the overhead cost definition.

Remark: The information pop up does appear whenever a change is stored by clicking on the OK button as it will not only be necessary to do actions on a change to a zero amount, but also for other changes in an overhead cost definition.

Booking Process with Booking Independent Services

Before distribution


The distribution process is an independent process. Therefore, no price is inserted as overhead cost within the booking process.

After distribution


After distribution of overhead costs, an entry is available on cost side of the Booking Independent Service.


Cancellation costs are calculated for prices that were originally overhead costs after distribution.


In order to ensure that distributed overhead costs will not be deleted during rebooking activities without any change on the service, the system setting "Do not recalculate prices on booking change" needs to be activated.

The price will be recalculated if the service is modified. If there was an overhead price row, then this will be removed in the new sequence.

Distribution of Prices for Booking independent Services

New Dialog for Distribution of Overhead Costs

The overhead costs which have been defined under Conditions, can be distributed with a new batch action in Genesis. In Genesis, the user selects Menu – Batch Actions – Overhead cost distribution to open the distribution dialogue

Following parameters can be entered in order to Search for booking files containing booking independent services:
From (Von): Beginning of the selection period in which the start date of the booking independent service needs fall in order to be included in the result list for distribution
To (Bis): End date of the selection period in which the start date of the booking independent service needs fall in order to be included in the result list for distribution
Booking Code (Buchungscode): The booking code reflecting the booking independent service (mandatory in case that all other parameters are left empty)
Travel ID (Reise ID): The Travel ID which was stored on the period tab of the package in order to be kept on the properties of each single service booked within this package period
After entry of selection parameters and click on "Search (Suche)", the following information is displayed in the result list:

Booking Code (Buchungscode): The booking code reflecting the booking independent service
Booking Number (Buchungsnummer): The booking file number of the respective service
Position (Pos.): The number of the service line in the respective booking file
Split Factor (Anz.): The Split Factor which is used in order to calculate the overhead cost portion which needs to be stored on the booking independent service in the according booking file
Participant (Teilnehmer): The participant assignment for the particular service in the respective booking file
Price (Preis): The overhead cost portion which is stored for the particular service in the respective booking file. In case that this amount is zero, no overhead cost distribution has been run yet
Currency (Währung): The currency which is assigned on cost side during distribution of overhead costs, taken from the currency defined in the price template linked into the overhead cost definition.

With click on the Button "Update" the check on a valid overhead cost definition is made and the price defined in the matching definition is distributed amongst the participants.
In this example, an overhead cost definition of 9.000,- has been created and now is distributed amongst two booking files including three participants (=Split Factor 3)

Split Factor

The split factor is calculated on base of the amount of participants assigned to a booking independent service.
For services, which are booked as one unit in Genesis but assigned to multiple passengers (e.g. ship cabin), the split factor is calculated on base of the amount of passengers.
In this example, an overhead cost definition of 24.000,- has been created which is distributed between 24 participants booked in 13 booking files.


In case that an amount cannot be completely distributed amongst all participants with the same portion, the rounding difference is added to the first booking file.
In this example, an overhead cost definition of 10.000,- has been created which is distributed between three participants booked in one booking file.

Update of multiple booking independent services

In case that a booking file contains multiple booking independent services, all of them can be updated in one batch action on base of the Travel ID.
In this example, overhead distribution definitions have been created for INDELLA001 and TLNTBA in relation to the Travel ID.

After selection on base of the Travel ID and update of the costs in the overhead cost distribution, both services in both booking files contain their portion of the overhead costs on the cost side.

Co-existence of pax-related costs and overhead costs

It is possible e.g. for charter flights to both have regular costs which were calculated in booking process from a standard purchase price chart and overhead costs which were added to the booking file by overhead cost distribution.

The first row is a normal cost price from a purchase price chart. After distribution, the overhead cost portion is stored in the next price row.

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