04/2008 DS
This document describes the workflow for the development "SIC – Import
General settings
- Adress
Within the address of the supplier you need to define the "type of import" on the tab . Here as an example the address card of "Jetair".
The import functionality has been developed for Jetair and Thomas Cook. Please make sure that chose the correct one and as these invoices will be retail invoices, please tick as well the retail supplier flag as shown in the above screenshot. (Flag retail supplier steers postings steps for accounting)
Test bookings
For test and documentation purposes three bookings have been created.
- Testbooking 685
In this example, everything matches completely, Order number, prices, etc. No errors.
The touroperator needs to be "Jetair", client no. 10001. The order number is the unique identifier.
- Testbooking 686
In this example, the order number matches, but purchase price is EUR 270.00 in DaVinci in supplier invoice EUR 265,15.
- Testbooking 687
In this example, the order number does not match, but prices do. Order number in DaVinci: 13131254, in invoice file: 13131255
- Testbooking 683 and 684
In this example, the same order number can be found in two different bookings. Therefore prices do not match.
Supplier Invoice Import
You open the supplier invoice import via the menu <Accounting> <Supplier Invoice Control> <Supplier invoice import…>
With choosing the menu: <Supplier invoice import…> the following mask will come up:
Within the field "Max. difference in price" you can enter a tolerance which will be accepted by CNX as the difference between the DaVinci amount and the Supplier invoice amount. If the difference is within this tolerance, the difference will not appear as an error and will be automatically posted correctly.
With choosing the button <Import data> you will get to the following screen:
Here you can select the path of import file and the supplier. The supplier needs to correspond to the address which has been defined at the beginning.
- Test booking 685: The <Preview> button will bring you to the next screen:
You will get an overview, of how many errors have been found, amount of invoices, etc.
Change error will get you to a correction screen.
With <Import and Close> the supplier invoice will be imported.
Within this screen you have the possibility to enter as well memo to the invoice which will be exported as well. Additionally the invoice stays in the list as long as you do not process it via the <Automatic SIC> or <Manual SIC> Button.
Export via right mouse – context menu:
With processing the invoice via the <Automatic SIC> Button the invoice will be dealt within the supplier invoice feature and you will get into the following mask:
Status of this invoice is fully matched posted.
- Test booking 686: First steps like test booking 685
As you can see, the systems shows one possible error, with <Change error> the error can be corrected by opening Genesis via doubleclick on the highlighted service line:
If the error will not corrected in Genesis and accepted by CNX you will get to the following screen after pressing <Automatic SIC>
The system automatically calculates the difference amount and creates a DIF price line.
- Test booking 687: First steps like test booking 685
As you can see, the systems shows one possible error, with <Change error> the error can be seen. In this case the order number (supplier reference number can not be found), therefore an automatic process does not make any sense. Invoice will be imported.
With pressing the <Manual SIC> Button you can process this invoice manually.
As you can see in the invoice has been created with the status "Received" you are now able to search for the corresponding service.
The corresponding service has been found, PP added, click on "full assigned and posting" and <OK> and everything will be posted correctly.
- Test booking 683 & 684: First steps like test booking 685
As you can see, the systems shows two possible errors, with <Change error> the error can be seen. In this case the order number (supplier reference number) has been found twice in DaVinci, therefore an automatic process does not make any sense. Invoice will be imported.
You have either the possibility to change the order number in the bookings to the correct one and then use the "Reload" function so that matching will be correct or you process this invoice manually.
With pressing the <Manual SIC> Button you will get to the following screen, first matched will be found:
Search for the correct service and assign the PP prices, click on <Fully matched> and <OK>
Posting message will appear and invoice is fully matched posted. The other service with the same order number will stay in the system and is not matched.