



Line 1 Price per participant

If this flag is set the price lines in the details of service will split per passenger.
Setting without split

Setting with split

Line 2 Currency from booking mask

If in the settings of Genesis a currency is filled

This currency appears in Genesis as a default after opening.

After display the currency from price table will be taken at all.

Line 3 Summarize price rules

Same behavior as line 1, but only for rule prices. In the dropdown user can customize, what rule price lines will be summarized.
Important to know: Only rule price lines which are absolutely similar will be summarized.

Line 4 Group cancellation prices

Same behavior as line1, but only for cancellation prices. In the dropdown user can customize, what cancellation price lines will be summarized.
Important to know: Only cancellation price lines which are absolutely similar will be summarized.

Line 5 Group booking change fee

Same behavior as line 1. But only for booking change fee prices. In the dropdown user can customize, what booking change fee price lines will be summarized.
Important to know: Only booking change fee price lines which are absolutely similar will be summarized.

Line 6 Show and store zero prices

If that line is flagged, a price table with a zero price will appear. The service line is turned green.

If the flag is off, this price line will not show.

Business cases: If a touroperator deals with flexible prices it makes sense to overwrite this zero price manual. It is also an alternative to set up a booking code and use it as other free service.
Advantage: All relevant data (product type, cost type, etc.) could set in the price table. The green line shows the user, that this price line has to be amended.
Setting in Genesis is required for turn green line

Line 7 Calculation exchange rate from price from price chart, when entered

This works only on the purchase price side.

Flag off. Rate from currency table

If the flag is on the rate will be taken out of the price table.

Business cases:

  1. Some tour operator work with flexible exchange rates during the season and risk losses or earnings in case of currency fluctuation.

  1. Other tour operator buys foreign currencies and work with cash on deposit

Line 8 Allow bookings that do not reach minimal margin

If enter on the option tab in the properties of a sub price chart on the Min. margin a value, the system check if the difference between PP and sales prices is in minimum this value. This could be necessary if a tour operator work with manual price amendments in the booking process.

If the flag is off the booking is not possible, if the difference is smaller than the entered value

If the flag is on booking is allowed with BC

Line 10 Automatic calculation of commission if prices manual

If the flag is on the commission for manual prices will calculate over the product type from commission charts,
If the flag is off commission will be freeze and can give also manual.
In between is an additional flag in the details of the service which can overrule the flag in line 10

Business case: Some bookings should calculate automatically commission. Other booking should receive a manual commission.

Line 10 Set 1 in amount for the price rules

This could only work if rule prices will be summarized thru the setting in line 3

Flag off

Flag on

Business Case: ???????
Line 11 Dynamic Price Calculation, if no price chart in booking file currency
Activate the (Hyperlink) functionality with that flag

Line 12 Time for rate of exchange will be used from

In the exchange rate table user can set a date and a timestamp from when a new exchange rate will be valid. In this dropdown box will be steered what is responsible for the time.

Line 13 Cost type is mandatory in setting of purchase price chart

Line 14 Suppress purchase prices in properties of participant

Flag off

Flag on

Line 15 No occupancy check of price code

If the flag is on the min. – max. occupancy from the code restriction behind the price will be ignored

Line 16 Departure limitation for PP rate of exchange relates to departure of booking

In DaVinci is a differentiation between departure of booking date and departure of service.

This entry is close related to Line 7. Departure of booking is the earliest departure date of a service within the booking.
In the currency chart it is possible to link a departure date to an exchange rate.

With the flag in the settings it could be regulated if that date should be calculated from the booking departure date or from service departure dates.
Example 1 without flag:
Exchange rate valid on the 15.2.:
Rate is 2.0000

Example 2 with flag
Exchange rate valid on the 15.1.:
Rate is 0.13500:

Line 17 Reduce by ascending age by limited number of child reductions

Line 18 Price Profile for airport taxes

(…) Hyperlink Verkehrstage

Line 19 Default Price Profile for season supplements

(…) Hyperlink Verkehrstage

Line 20 Ignore price text by season change

Example for a special data setup which requires that flag

Pricetable in package

Calculation is stay related

Line 21 Activate user rights by manual price changes

(..) ?

Line 22 Booking without basic price permitted with BC only

(..) ?

Line 23 Booking without basic price not possible

(..) ?

Line 24 Adults on fix beds permitted

(..) ?

Line 25 Merge price lines with the same price only

Two price lines

Result without flag

Result with flag