

12/2007 DS


This document describes the workflow for the development "SIC – Insurances – Automatic posting/reporting/invoicing.

General settings

    1. Adress

Within the address of the insurance company you need to flag the tick box "Report & Verbuchung" on tab "Verschiedenes". Here as an example the address card of "Protections".

Test bookings

For test and documentation purposes three bookings have been created.

    1. Testbooking 552

The requirement needs to be V* as we do get the insurances as retail services from POS. The touroperator needs to be "Protections", client no. 10002. The statistical codes are required for the report to the insurance.

    1. Testbooking 553

    1. Testbooking 554

Supplier Invoice Control

You open the supplier invoice control via the menu <Accounting> <Supplier Invoice Control>

With chosing the supplier "Protections" the SIC will open in the "Insurance mode"

You chose the button <Insurances> and you will get to the following screen:

Here you see a new selection criteria called "Service date" which will be used for the insurance services.
Please enter a date range and you will get the insurances services of the entered service creation date range.

You will get the all insurance services which have been entered to DaVinci in the entered service date range. Select them all and click on <EK´s zufügen> and the purchase price lines will be added.

Status has been changed to "Partly matched". With pressing <OK> you will get to the following screen.

Status has been changed now to "Fully matched". With the Export path you can enter the name of the file and as well the path, just chose the … box, DaVinci wil automatically suggest as a name of the import file the invoice number. Invoice number will be counted onwards, Invoice date, Due date and amount (sum of assigned EK price lines) automatically filled by the system and retail flag set. If you chose <Abbrechen/Cancel> you will get back to the main screen, no invoice will be created and assignment of price lines will be deleted.

With pressing <Post & Export> the invoice and as well the assigned pricelines will be posted and you will get to the following screen:

Invoice has now the status "Fully matched posted" and three EK price lines have been assigned/created and invoice received an internal number (document number). Postings have been made in journal purchase.

Additionally to the postings a report has been generated.

Special Cases

Booking Changes and Export of insurance services
Example booking is 674:
Two Passenger
Original sales price: EUR 100.00 x 2EUR 200.00
Original sales price: EUR80.00 x 2EUR 160.00
Supplier invoice has been posted and amount of EUR 200.00 reported to the insurance company.

As you can see the export has been changed, so that one export line will be created by passenger.

The booking changes to:
Two Passenger
Original sales price: EUR 150.00 x 2EUR 300.00
Original sales price: EUR 100.00 x 2EUR 200.00

The system automatically recognizes that EUR 160.00 has been posted already and suggests EUR 40.00 as a new SPL price line.

With posting and exporting the amount you will from now on see the internal number as well.

Within the posting and report process this posting will be done. In our example we did a new invoice for this booking change to show the possibility.

As you can see from the screenshot we added as well a new column called "Exported". This flag is required to find out which sequence should be exported in the insurance report.

Within the export we just export the difference between the first and second sequence, or in other words the difference between the last exported sequence and the new sequence.