Lesson 14 - Commission charts

Lesson 14 - Commission charts

In this lesson you will learn how to:

  • Create a new Commission Chart
  • Link a Commission Chart to an agency


Agencies receive commission on our products. Commission charts are setup in DaVinci and then calculated in Genesis.
In price charts product types will be linked to a price code (Basic Price). In commission charts product types are linked to a percentage (the commission).
The commission paid to agencies may vary, therefore more than one commission chart can be created.

Thomas Cook in Stockholm is a new agency selling our products. We need to create a commission chart for this agency to ensure they receive the correct payment from us.
The commission paid to this agency is based on the standard commission. We will create a standard Commission Chart.
Step-by-Step: Create a Commission Chart
To create a new Commission Chart:

  1. Select Configuration>System setting.



When the System setting menu is selected the last option viewed will be displayed, for example if Conditions was viewed last it will appear if Settings was viewed last the Settings menu option will be displayed.



Select the Configure Buttons > Show More Buttons option if the Conditions menu item does not appear.

  1. Select Conditions. It may already be displayed.
  2. Select Commission chart at the left side of the screen.
  3. Right-click on the right side of the screen.
  4. Select New.

The Commission table window will open.

  1. Enter Standard in the Name field.
  2. Select the Agency-commission option.
  3. Select Basic price in the Type column.



The commission has to be created per Product type. The Product types can be found in the Type column.



  1. Enter 10 in the Percent column.



On every price segment with the Basic price Product type a commission of 10% will be given.



  1. Select OK to save.

Now we will link the Commission chart to the agency.

  1. Select Addresses>Search.
  2. Select the Agency number 1001 (Thomas Cook, Stockholm).
  3. Select Actions>Change.

The Address window will open.

  1. Select the Agency/Travel agency tab.
  2. Select the Calculation tab within the Agency/Travel agency tab.
  3. Select Any source in the Type column.



The agencies receive commission on all products (unless otherwise indicated) therefore Any source will be used.



  1. Select Standard in the Commission chart column.
  2. Select OK to save.

Additional Exercises

In this section exercises will introduce the following topics:

  • Transfers
  • Excursions