Lesson 9 - Sub price charts

Lesson 9 - Sub price charts

In this lesson you will learn:

  • When we need to create a sub price chart.
  • How to create a new sub price chart.


A Sub Price chart is similar to a Main Price chart. It is used for example, to indicate differing discounts agencies receive on sales prices and to differentiate between VAT rates.
Hotel Tamarind Cove has provided Kuoni with its new contracts and we have received the new calculation sheet.
There are differing discounts for bookings which are made in the period 01/11/2012 - 31/03/2013 and for bookings which are made in the period 01/04/2013 -31/10/2013.
Step-by-Step: Create a sub price chart

  1. Select BEWO12/13> The Americas > Caribbean > Barbados.
  2. Select hotel booking code Tamarind Cove (BGIHTAMCOV).
  3. Open Price Chart BGIHTAMCOV.
  4. Right click Main Price Chart.

The Option menu will open.

  1. Select Copy sub price chart.

  1. In your window a copy of the main price chart is visible.

  1. We need to adjust the settings of the price charts to ensure that Genesis calculates the correct price when a booking is made.

The prices which already exist in the Main price chart are the correct prices for the first booking period (01/11/2012 – 31/03/2013). The copy we created will be for the second booking period (01/04/2011 – 31/10/2011).

  1. Right click Main price chart (not the copy).

The Option menu will open.

  1. Select Properties.
  2. The Price Subchart (Sale) menu will open

  1. Enter Bookings from 01/11/12 till 31/03/13 in the Name field.
  2. Select tab Optional.

The following screen is displayed:
Travel Period is the period in which travel is possible.Posting date is the period in which the bookings must be made.

  1. Enter 01/11/2012 and 31/10/2013 in the Travel period fields.
  2. Enter 01/11/2012 and 31/03/2013 in the Posting date fields to create a booking restriction in the price chart.
  3. In the Checking from field we need to select Booking date to ensure the calculation in Genesis correct.

There is also a Season Chart option in this Optional tab. We use this option when we have received new prices and the seasons have changed from the previous calculation sheet.
It is possible to create a new Season chart and select it in the Season Chart option.



  1. Click OK.

We now need to do the same for the Copy 1 of Main price chart with the dates of the second season.

  1. Right click Copy 1 of Main price chart and select Properties.
  2. Adjust the name into Bookings from 01/04/2013 till 31/10/2013.
  3. Select Option tab.
  4. Enter 01/11/2012 and 31/10/2013 in the Travel period fields.
  5. Enter 01/04/2012 and 31/10/2013 in the Posting date fields.
  6. Select Booking date in Checking from field.
  7. Click OK.

The price chart menu looks like the illustration below:

  1. We have created the Sub price chart and we are now able to enter the new prices in it.