Lesson 12 - Stop sales
In this lesson you will learn how to:
- Create a Stop Sale
- Add a Stop sale in a Booking code.
- Add a Stop sale in a Room type.
- Add a Stop sale in an Allotment.
- Remove a Stop sale from a Booking code.
- Remove a Stop sale from a Room type.
- Remove a Stop sale from an Allotment.
When a hotel is fully booked Touroperator will receive a Stop Sale or a Black Out list, this means the hotel cannot be booked for specified dates.
A Stop Sale or Black Out list is also received if certain rooms within that hotel are fully booked, for example the Deluxe Sea View room may be on Stop Sale (not bookable) but the Deluxe room is available and bookable.
In this chapter we will learn how to create and delete Stop Sales.
Example of a Stop sale list
Create a Stop Sale (Booking Code)
In the following example a Stop Sale will be created within a Booking code.
A wedding party has booked the entire Blue Horizons Garden resort between the 1st August and the 6th August 2013. It is not possible to book any rooms in this hotel during this period.
Step-by-Step: Create a Stop Sale in the Booking code
- Select Travel > Services. Alternatively select the icon.
- Select BEWO12/13> The Americas > Caribbean > Grenada.
- Select the Blue Horizons Garden Resort booking code.
- The Booking Code screen is displayed on the Service types tab.
- Select the Texts tab.
- Select at the right of the Warnings option.
- The Warnings tab is displayed.
We are going to create a Stop Sale for the period: 01 August 2013 - 06 August 2013.
The Date from field represents the beginning date of the stop sale.
- Enter 01.08.2013 in Date From.
The Date till field represents the end date of the stop sale, allow one extra day (because the system counts in nights instead of days).
- Enter 07.08.2013 in Date till.
In this example the Stop Sales are related to hotel accommodation we therefore select Stay related in the Valid date option field. |
- Select Stay related in the Valid date dropdown.
- Scroll to the Booking ability field and select Fully blocked to close the entire hotel for the given Stop Sale period.
Putting a Stop Sale in the warnings field of the hotel booking code prevents any bookings being made for this hotel during the designated Stop Sale period. |
Scroll to the Warnings field to see the General warnings option.
The General warnings field is used for recording, for example Stop sales, renovation work or book 7 pay 6 offers. |
- Select the General warnings and select Stop Sale.
- Click OK to save the Stop sale.
Create a Stop Sale (Room Type without an Allotment)
Stop Sales are handled in different ways dependant on whether a room type is with allotments or without allotments.
In the last example the entire Blue Horizons Garden Resort was "blacked out" during the period 01 August 2011 to 06 August 2011.
A Double Sea View room in the Blue Horizons Garden Resort can be booked on request but we do no have an allotment for this room type. We have been informed by the hotel that this room is undergoing refurbishment from 23 December 2012 to 05 January 2013 we will need put Stop Sale on this room during this period.
Step-by-Step: Create a Stop Sale in a Room type
- Double click on the booking code Blue Horizons Garden Resort.
The Service type menu will open.
- Select the DS21 Room type.
- Select the Edit button.
The Assignment of the codes screen will open.
- Select the Options tab.
- Select the Important note type of service button.
The warnings screen will be displayed:
This Warnings screen is identical to the Warnings screen accessed via the Text tab. |
- Enter the Date from field: 23.12.2012.
- Enter the Date till field: 05.01.2013.
- Select Stay related in the Valid date field.
- Scroll to the Booking ability field and select Fully blocked.
- Select Stop Sale in the General warnings field.
- Click Close.
- Click OK.
- Click OK.
A Stop Sale has been created from the 23 December 2010 to the 5th January 2011 for this room type.
Create a Stop Sale (Room Type with an Allotment)
- Discussion
In this example a Stop Sale will be created on an allotment.
We have received a Stop Sale from the Blue Horizons Garden Resort. This is a Stop sale for the Double Room Standard Garden View where we have an allotment. The Stop Sale they have sent us is: 12 February 2013 – 19 February 2013
Step-by-Step: Create a Stop Sale in an Allotment
- Select Travel > Allotments
- Select Production&Procurement > The Americas > Caribbean > Grenada
- Right Click on the GNDHBLUHOR/DS20/ASE/Y11 allotment.
- Right click on Main allotment.
- Select Change/Delete Dates/Allotments.
The Edit Dates screen will be displayed. The following highlighted fields need to be completed:
- Enter From date: 12 February 2013.
- Enter Till: 19 February 2013.
We need to close the allotment of our Standard Double room. The allotment can be closed without the possibility of a request or with the possibility of a request.
To close an allotment without the possibility of a request:
- Select Fully blocked from the Booking ability dropdown.
- Ensure the Booking ability checkbox (to the left) is selected.
To close an allotment with the possibility of a request:
- Select Sales stop but Request.
Always select the option Sales stop but Request for Stop sales. To indicate a Full Sales Stop select the Amount of Requests field also. |
- Select Option Change of remarks.
- Enter a note in the text field below Change of remarks to indicate the reason for the Stop Sale.
The text entered in the text field below Change of remarks will be visible to the reservation department when they open the Allotment to check availability. |
- Click OK.
- The next message will appear:
This message appears because no days were entered in the Edit Dates screen. It is not necessary to fill in these dates.
- Click Yes and the Stop Sale will be created for this allotment.
Sometimes we receive a list of dates which need to be entered as "on request." |
A Stop Sale is used to close a service for new bookings. For example a hotel has contacted us to inform us that as a result of a flood bookings cannot be taken for the next three weeks whilst repairs are undertaken. Applying a Stop Sale will ensure that the hotel is closed for all new bookings but there is no automatic notification to clients who have already booked. |
Amend/Remove a Stop Sale (Booking Code)
- Discussion
A Stop Sale can be amended or deleted from a booking code.
We have received an email from the hotel informing us that they are on Stop Sale until 3rd August 2013 and not the 6th August 2013 as originally stated in one of their previous emails. We will need to adjust the Stop Sale we set up earlier to reflect this change.
Step-by-Step: Amend/Remove a Stop Sale from a Booking code
- Open the Blue Horizons Garden Resort booking code.
- Select the Texts tab.
- Click in the Warnings field.
The Warnings screen will be displayed:
The hotel is on Stop Sale from the 1st to the 6th August and is bookable again from 7th August 2013. Following notification from the hotel this needs to be adjusted as the hotel is now bookable from 4th August 2013.
- Amend Date till to 04 August 2013.
- Click OK to save the adjustment.
To delete a complete Stop sale period select the entire row and press delete. |
Remove a Stop Sale (Room Type)
- Discussion
A Stop Sale can be amended or deleted from an individual room type.
The Blue Horizons Garden Resort has informed us that the planned refurbishment of their Standard Double Room Sea View room is delayed and consequently the Stop Sale we entered earlier may be removed until further notice.
We need to delete the Black Out period 01 August 2013 – 06 August 2013 for the Standard Double Room Sea View Room.
Step-by-Step: Remove a Stop Sale from a Room Type
- Open the Blue Horizons Garden Resort booking code.
- Select the Double Room Standard Sea View room.
- Select Edit.
- Select the Options tab.
- Select in the Warnings field.
- The following screen is displayed:
Before deleting a Stop Sale check to make sure other warnings have not been entered here. |
Select the Stop Sale row to be deleted.
- Press Delete.
- Click Close.
- Click OK.
- Click OK.
The Stop sale for the Double Sea View room is now deleted.
Step-by-Step: Remove a Stop sale from an Allotment
The hotel has notified us that the Blue Horizons Garden Resort is now bookable again on the 12 February 2013.
- Select Production&Procurement > The Americas > Caribbean > Grenada.
- Select the GNDHBLUHOR/D20/ASE/Y11 allotment
- Select Main Allotment.
The dates of the allotment will be displayed to the right of the screen.
- Scroll down to 12 February 2013 at the right of the allotments screen.
Those dates which are unavailable to book because they are on Stop Sale are displayed in red. Notice those dates are fully blocked. |
- Double click on 12.02.2013.
The Edit Allotment screen will open:
Adjust the highlighted options to ensure the 12th February 2013 is bookable again.
- Select Bookable in the Booking Ability field.
- Uncheck Sales stop but request.
- Click to the right of the Remarks field.
The following screen will be displayed:
- Select the entire line by clicking on
- Press Delete.
- Click Close.
- Click OK.
The 12th of February is now bookable again.
We also need to ensure the 17th February 2013 – 19th February 2013 are bookable.
- Right click on Main allotment.
- Select Change/Delete Dates/Allotments.
- Enter 17.02.2013 in the From Date field.
- Enter 19.02.2013 in the Till field.
- Select the Booking ability checkbox.
- Ensure the Booking ability field is on Bookable.
- Select the Change of remarks checkbox.
- Click OK.
The 17th February to 19th February are now bookable in the allotment list.